Trait Categories

<a href=" Types" class="display-category">Ear Types</a>

Ear Types

Common Ear Rarities:

  • Rounded Ears
    • The most common ear type found in kiamaras! These ears are rounded like a lion's!

  • Fluffy Inner Ear
    • Sometimes a Kiamara's inner ears can be fluffy!

  • Hairless Inner Ear
    • These kind of ears resemble those like a Dobermans where they're all skin and no fur to be seen! 

  • Pointed
    • Some kiamaras also have slightly pointed ears; these are also common! 

Uncommon Ear Rarities:
  • Directional Ears
    • The majority of Kiamaras have ears facing behind, as if they always have their ears back! Uncommonly though, some kiamaras may have their ears facing forward. 

  • Canine
    • Ears that resemble dog breeds, for example Saluki, husky, wolf, etc are considered Uncommon! 

  • Feline
    • Some kiamaras may have ears that resemble Felines, for example; Domestic Cat, Lynx, Scottish Fold, etc! 

  • Floppy
    • Ears that are floppy are uncommon, though their length is dependant on their Size rarity! Your Kia can also have one flopped and one straight! 

  • Fluffy Ears
    • Ears that are noticably more fluffy than the usual Kiamara ears are considered Uncommon!

  • Tufted
    • Whilst we included naturally tufted ears like the Lynx under Feline, you can have tufts on all kinds of ears so, unlike the lynx ears, these are their own separate rarity! That means you could even have tufts on floppy ears; how cute!

Rare Ear Rarities:
  • Mammalian Ears
    • Ears that are commonly seen in other mammels, such as Koalas, horses, cows, etc are considered Rare! 

  • Bat Ears
    • Bat ears are a Rare occurance in Kiamaras, and whilst they do come under Mammalian we wanted to emphasise on these as they used to be a different trait! 

Very Rare Ear Rarities:
  • Unique-Shaped Ears
    • If an ear type does not resemble any kind of Mammel's ears and looks a bit alien, they are Very Rare! 

  • Draconic!
    • This trait used to be called Bat-Ribbed Ears. This trait has now been changed! Draconic ears refer to the inside of the ear where instead of the insides being fluffy or hairless, they have scaled plates! This is Very Rare!

Legendary Ear Rarities:
  • 2 Sets of Ears
    • Kiamaras with 2 sets of ears are Legendary!

  • No Ears
    • A kiamara with no ears is a Legendary occurance!


Kiamara Ear Sizing Markers
Currently, we only have the old CS line markers available, however we are working as hard as we can to ensure all Kiamara Lines have a set of markers to properly help you identify the size of the ears on your kiamara.  If you have a kiamara on custom lines, the best thing to do is ask the artist if it's unclear how big they are! 

  • Common Ear Size - Pink Marker
    • Ears that fit into the Pink Marker zone are considered Common in Size

  • Uncommon Ear Size - Orange Marker
    • Ears that fit into the Orange Marker zone are considered Uncommon in Size

  • Rare Ear Size - Green Marker
    • Ears that fit into the Green Marker zone are considered Rare in Size

  • Very Rare Ear Size - Blue Marker
    • Ears that fit into the Blue Marker zone are considered Very Rare in Size

  • Legendary Ear Size - Purple Marker
    • Ears that fit into the Purple Marker zone are considered Legendary in Size

  • Mythic Ear Size - Yellow Marker
    • Ears that fit into the Yellow Marker zone are considered Mythic in Size

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