
<a href="" class="display-item">10th Anniversary Gift</a>

10th Anniversary Gift

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
On opening, you will receive the following mimics from the Guaranteed Rewards box

"Happy 10 year anniversary, everybody! These little mimics seem to be familiar... hmm...."

- Obtainable from the Pet Emporium from the 6th of August til the 1st of September 2022. 

<a href="" class="display-item">10th Anniversary Uncommon MYO Potion</a>

10th Anniversary Uncommon MYO Potion

Category: Species - MYO Items


      Species - Consumable - Soulbound
Grants the user the ability to create their own Uncommon Kiamara
Can have unlimited Common and Uncommon traits

"Used in the creation of new life on Solaria, this MYO potion has been specially bottled for the 10th Anniversary!

- Obtainable from the General Store between the 6th of August 2022 and the 20th of August 2022.

<a href="" class="display-item">16 GB Ram</a>

16 GB Ram

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Guarantees an extra roll on Standard Reward entries only for the quests 'Salty Salvage' and 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

"A standard stick of ram that seems compatible with most Inturosian motherboards."

- Obtainable from the quest 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

<a href="" class="display-item">32 GB Ram</a>

32 GB Ram

Category: Quest Consumables

      Quest Consumable
Guarantees an extra roll on Enhanced Reward entries only for the quests 'Salty Salvage' and 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

"A better stick of ram that seems compatible with most Inturosian motherboards."

- Obtainable from the quest 'Nuts and Bolts' in the Engineers Guild

<a href="" class="display-item">5 Year Raffle Ticket</a>

5 Year Raffle Ticket

Category: Discontinued Items


      Raffle Ticket
Opening this enters the user into Shade's 5 Year Raffle. Only one entry per person.

"Users have the chance to win Ka-3217!"


- Unobtainable 

<a href="" class="display-item">A Friendly Gift</a>

A Friendly Gift

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random craftable mimic or buff pet from the table below.

"It seems as though the little critter you befriended has sent a friend to you! Who could be inside?"

- Obtainable from using the Fauna Manipulation Buff in Guild Quests.

<a href="" class="display-item">Adventurer's Hood - Engineers Guild Colours</a>

Adventurer's Hood - Engineers Guild Colours

Category: Outfits

      Outfit - Consumable
Grants the character a 15% chance at rolling additional Salvaging item/s from quests in the Engineers Guild. 

"A wonderful orange and  green Adventurer's robes, worn by those who belong to the Engineers Guild!"

How to Use:

Outfits are meant to be applied to your character's reference. 
We have supplied an overlay for the current 4 line sets in rotation. These can be found here!

If your character is currently not on one of the linesets, you are able to draw your own on top of their current reference if the original artist gives permission, or if it's an unsupported official Kiamara/Dromedairy Lineset. 

Once you have applied your characters's outfit to their reference, you simply need to do the following: 

  • Click the character's masterlist page
  • Click on the tab on the left hand side called 'Update Design', located under 'Settings'
  • Fill out the form with the new outfit reference, and include the outfit item to have it approved. 

And that's it! 
If there's a buff that is attached to the outfit, it will be attached to the 'buffs' section on the image with them wearing it. 
To have the buff be counted for in quest submissions, the character must be drawn wearing the outfit or, if you are doing the writing option, must mention them wearing the outfit.
Buffs can be found on the character's profile under 'Images', located under 'History' 

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from 'Chapter IV: Learning The Land' in the 'Odyssey' questline found in the Pandrean Library

<a href="" class="display-item">Adventurer's Hood - Manahunters Guild Colours</a>

Adventurer's Hood - Manahunters Guild Colours

Category: Outfits

      Outfit - Consumable
Grants the character a 15% chance at rolling additional Biotech item/s from quests in the Manahunterss Guild. 

"A beautiful Purple and Blue Adventurer's robes, worn by those who belong to the Manahunters Guild!"

How to Use:

Outfits are meant to be applied to your character's reference. 
We have supplied an overlay for the current 4 line sets in rotation. These can be found here!

If your character is currently not on one of the linesets, you are able to draw your own on top of their current reference if the original artist gives permission, or if it's an unsupported official Kiamara/Dromedairy Lineset. 

Once you have applied your characters's outfit to their reference, you simply need to do the following: 

  • Click the character's masterlist page
  • Click on the tab on the left hand side called 'Update Design', located under 'Settings'
  • Fill out the form with the new outfit reference, and include the outfit item to have it approved. 

And that's it! 
If there's a buff that is attached to the outfit, it will be attached to the 'buffs' section on the image with them wearing it. 
To have the buff be counted for in quest submissions, the character must be drawn wearing the outfit or, if you are doing the writing option, must mention them wearing the outfit.
Buffs can be found on the character's profile under 'Images', located under 'History' 

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from 'Chapter IV: Learning The Land' in the 'Odyssey' questline found in the Pandrean Library

<a href="" class="display-item">Adventurer’s Hood - Chefs Guild Colours</a>

Adventurer’s Hood - Chefs Guild Colours

Category: Outfits

      Outfit - Consumable
Grants the character a 15% chance at rolling additional Herbalism item/s from quests in the Chefs Guild. 

"A wonderful orange and red Adventurer's robes, worn by those who belong to the Chefs Guild!"

How to Use:

Outfits are meant to be applied to your character's reference. 
We have supplied an overlay for the current 4 line sets in rotation. These can be found here!

If your character is currently not on one of the linesets, you are able to draw your own on top of their current reference if the original artist gives permission, or if it's an unsupported official Kiamara/Dromedairy Lineset. 

Once you have applied your characters's outfit to their reference, you simply need to do the following: 

  • Click the character's masterlist page
  • Click on the tab on the left hand side called 'Update Design', located under 'Settings'
  • Fill out the form with the new outfit reference, and include the outfit item to have it approved. 

And that's it! 
If there's a buff that is attached to the outfit, it will be attached to the 'buffs' section on the image with them wearing it. 
To have the buff be counted for in quest submissions, the character must be drawn wearing the outfit or, if you are doing the writing option, must mention them wearing the outfit.
Buffs can be found on the character's profile under 'Images', located under 'History' 

Possible Rewards:

- Obtainable from 'Chapter IV: Learning The Land' in the 'Odyssey' questline found in the Pandrean Library

<a href="" class="display-item">Affinity Faire 2022 Box</a>

Affinity Faire 2022 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Contains one item from Affinity Faire 2022

"A box of old Affinity Faire items! I wonder what is left in here..."

- Obtainable from G'Ma's Biscuit Tin

<a href="" class="display-item">Affinity Faire 2023 Box</a>

Affinity Faire 2023 Box

Category: Bags and Boxes


      Bags and Boxes
Guarantees a random item, collectable, or pet that was added for Affinity Faire 2023.

"Spread the love all year around!"

<a href="" class="display-item">Affinity Faire Daily Box</a>

Affinity Faire Daily Box

Category: Daily Rewards


      Bags and Boxes
On opening, you will receive Heart Candies and the chance at an additional item!

"A little box for you that is available between the 1st and the 20th of  February!''

Correct Currency Drops

Due to there being a bug with the display for currency in loot tables, here are the correct drop rates for Heart Candies!

You are guaranteed heart candies with each box, how much depends on what you roll:

<a href="" class="display-item">Agar Agar</a>

Agar Agar

Category: Reagents


"A vegan-friendly alternative to Gelatine. Makes a scrummy sweet treat that goes lovely with a side of Camilk Custard!"

- Obtainable from the General Store

<a href="" class="display-item">Alien Outfit</a>

Alien Outfit

Category: Outfits

      Outfit - Soulbound
Grants the wearer the following ability: 

When used in any Hearthfire Quest:
20% chance of obtaining an additional roll from any Hearthfire Quest.

"A wonderful little outfit to show that you are out of this world!"

Outfit Appearance:
How to add to your character:

Outfits no longer need to be applied to your characters reference, however for the buff to apply you must attach the buff to your character and draw your character in the outfit or write about them wearing it should you wish for the buff to apply.

Once you have obtained your new Outfit, you then:

  1. Go to your Claims tab and click on 'New Claim'
  2. Then, click on the character who you want the buff attached from your characters. You will then copy the URL to input on the claim's URL section. 
  3. You must then click on 'Add-Ons' and attach the appropriate outfit item
  4. Submit the claim. If all is well, your claim will be accepted within 1-5 days of submission!

Only after the buff has been attached and the submission has been approved will you be able to use your new buff on your character.

You can read more about perma buffs and how to use them in the Perma Buff Guide

 - Obtained from Serah's Sketches Quest in October 2023

<a href="" class="display-item">All-Seer's Pendant</a>

All-Seer's Pendant

Category: Quest Items

      Quest Items
Can be used in an attempt to get the Bonus Reward in the quest 'Attunement' in the Manahunter's Guild

"A pendant infused with the essence of a Lesser Mana Soul. Its sole purpose is to watch and observe, taking mental note of things that happen around it. However, these pendants have limited use as they can only show information by crushing the eye-coloured stone in the middle. You only get to answer one question and one question before it will fade. Furthermore, these trinkets are unable to be recrafted with the surviving pendants being Inturosian in creation, causing those who own one to decide what is the most important question they could ask something that had been around for millennia. "

Obtained From Pets:
Using one of the following pets in any guild quest:
<a href="" class="display-item">All-Seer's Trinket</a>

All-Seer's Trinket

Category: Species - Breeding Items

      Species - Breeding Items - Soulbound
"Leonidas seems to have taken the trinket and added his flare to it! He hopes you like it."

When used on a Kiamara:
If either parent in a  Kiamara breeding has the Glowing Eyes trait, this item can be used to replace the roll for the glowing eyes with a roll for the Three-Eyes Trait for all offspring.

The breeding rolls will be the same as if you were rolling for a Very Rare trait rather than Legendary.

If neither parent in a Kiamara breeding has the Glowing Eyes trait, this item can be used to grant a 15% chance of being able to obtain the Glowing Eyes trait for all offspring. 

When used on a Dromedairy:
If either parent in a Dromedairy breeding has the Watcher's Eye Major Power, this item can be used to replace the roll for the Watcher's Eye trait with a roll for the Four Eyes trait.

The breeding rolls will be the same as if you were rolling for a Legendary.

If neither parent in a Dromedairy breeding has the Watcher's Eye Major Power, this item can be used to grant a 15% chance of being able to obtain the Breeze Gene.

- Obtainable as a Bonus Reward from the 'Attunement' quest in the Manahunter's Guild

<a href="" class="display-item">Almonds</a>


Category: Reagents


"A nut that has a very pleasant taste. Used primarily in Camilks and also other sweet-treats!"

- Obtainable from the 'Taste Tester' quest in the Chefs Guild.

<a href="" class="display-item">Alpha DNA Splicer (Eye Colour)</a>

Alpha DNA Splicer (Eye Colour)

Category: Species - Breeding Items

      Species - Breeding Items 
This item has two uses: 

When used in a Kiamara breeding:
Allows the user to decide the Eye Colour of all kits in a breeding. Can be any colour.

When used in a Dromedairy breeding:
Allows the user to decide the Eye Colour of all calves in a breeding. Colour must be present on the dominant gene pallette that the Dromedairy has.

"Made by the top Manahunters in Manabane. You can use this with a breeding to choose the eye colour you want your offspring to have."

- Obtainable from Crafting 

<a href="" class="display-item">Alpha DNA Splicer (Hair Colour)</a>

Alpha DNA Splicer (Hair Colour)

Category: Species - Breeding Items

      Species - Breeding Items 
This item has two uses: 

When used in a Kiamara breeding:
Allows the user to decide the Hair Colour of all kits in a breeding. Can be any colour.

When used in a Dromedairy breeding:
Allows the user to decide the Hair Colour of all calves in a breeding. Colour must be present on the dominant gene palette that the Dromedairy has.

"Made by the top Manahunters in Manabane. You can use this with a breeding to choose the hair colour you want your offspring to have."

<a href="" class="display-item">Alpha DNA Splicer (Specific Marking)</a>

Alpha DNA Splicer (Specific Marking)

Category: Species - Breeding Items

      Species - Breeding Items 
This item has two uses: 

When used in a Kiamara breeding:
Allows the user to decide on a marking from either parent to be guaranteed to pass to all kits in a breeding, or choose a marking from either parent not to pass to offspring.

Marking can only cover up to half of the body and must be present on either parent.

When used in a Dromedairy breeding:
Allows the user to decide on a marking from either parent to be guaranteed to pass to all calves in a breeding, or choose a marking from either parent not to pass to offspring.

Marking can only cover up to half of the body and must be present on either parent.

"Made by the top Manahunters in Manabane. You can use this with a breeding to choose a specific marking you want, or don't want, on your offspring to have."

1130 results found.