[Open] Kiamara Breedings 2/5 Open!

Posted 4 days ago :: Last edited 3 days ago by Rexos-Isle

Rex's Breeding Slots - 2/5 Open

It's time again for me to open up my breeding slots! 

This time I'll be opening up 5 slots - 4 FCFS sale slots, and one Artist Choice Offering Slot!
New to breedings or want to know how they work? Check out the guide here to see how we do things!


  • All forms MUST be filled out fully to be accepted. I will not be accepting incomplete forms at this time. 
  • If you are using another member's Kiamara or Dromedairy in your breeding, you must show proof.
  • You may only claim 1 breeding slot within the first 24 hours. 
  • Offerings of Love can only be used on Offering Slots
  • Please only link the masterlist image of your Kiamara or Dromedairy in your form.
  • Paid slots must be paid for within 24 hours of the invoice being sent, otherwise the slot will be reopened. 
  • Any items you plan on using on your breeding must be in you or your partner's inventory before submitting your form. 

Linearts To Choose From:

You can choose from one of the following linesets for your breeding if you are breeding Kiamaras! 
Droma will be bred on the default lineset. 

Triplet/Quad Pricing and Discounts:
YSince Triplet and Quad charms do not cover the price of the slot, if you use these on a paid breeding slot the price will increase.
Twin trinkets do not up the price of the slot.

Mystery Breedings:
If you do not choose the parents, the following prices are:
Triplet Charm: $50 
Quad Charm: $55

Regular Breedings:
If you do choose the parents, the following prices are: 
Triplet Charm: $60 
Quad Charm: $65

Dromedairy Breeding Discount: 
All dromedairy breedings by me have a $10 discount of the overall price! 

Open Paid Slots:
Single-With-A-Chance: $35 per slot
2. Taerin

Guaranteed Twins: $50 Per Slot
1. Chilly

Artist Choice Offering Slot:
This slot is up to me to decide to take on!
Post your forms and after 24 hours I will choose one of the forms I fancy doing!
 1. OPEN 


  • Username/s:
  • Slot Type:
  • Parent 1: 
  • Parent 2:
  • Items Being Used:
  • Opt out of Twin Roll?: (For SWaC only)
  • Opt ouf of Mutation Roll?:
  • Chosen Lineset:
  • Proof of Approval: (If needed)
  • Previous Offspring:
  • Dromedairy Discount?:



Chillyskies Avatar

Username(s): @ChillySkies, @polariie, @Lepidopterologist, and @Clara-Erassari

Slot Type: Qaud Breeding

Paid or Offering: Paid

Parents :

Lineset: 2

Would you like to opt out on the Twin Roll?: N/A

Would you like to opt out on the Mutation Roll?: No, mutations please

Previous Breedings: N/A

Proof of Approval:
Proof for all https://www.deviantart.com/stash/21y149uxiaby

Items Used:
X1 Qaud Trinket
X1 Greater Poly Potion
X1 Snake Eyes
X10 Mutato Potions
X 8 Lemon Truffles (+24 to rolls)

Other: (links to toyhouse pages, unwatermarked refs, noteworthy things about the parents' designs, Kias you don't want used for mystery slots, etc. Anything you think may be important or helpful is much appreciated!)

2025-03-11 02:23:58

Rexos-Isle Avatar
Rexos-Isle Staff Member

sure thing! Invoice sent! <3

2025-03-11 11:40:34

Miavinn Avatar

Username/s: Miavinn
Slot Type: SWAC paid
Parent 1: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Kn-2258
Parent 2: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/NPC-0007
Items Being Used:
sally offering
alpha dna splicer markings (no swirls)
mutato x5 (10 if twin)
double flavor pop
salted caramel praline truffle
Opt out of Twin Roll?: let her roll
Opt ouf of Mutation Roll?: keep it!
Chosen Lineset: old cs line (2)
Proof of Approval: Parent 1 is in the free to use channel !
Previous Offspring: I’m not sure for Sally but none I think for Krishna
Dromedairy Discount?: na

edited to add the right link for sally ;v

2025-03-10 23:15:02 (Edited 2025-03-10 23:21:22)

Miavinn Avatar

+ a lint covered jelly (fluffy ears!)

2025-03-11 21:22:08

Rexos-Isle Avatar
Rexos-Isle Staff Member

Totally! Invoice should be sent ^^

2025-03-11 11:07:31

TaeRin00 Avatar

The beginning of the Striga Army >:)

Username/s: TaeRin00 & Masquii
Slot Type: Single with a Chance
Parent 1: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Kn-1067
Parent 2: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Kn-1470
Items Being Used: Packed lunch
Opt out of Twin Roll?: Roll pls!
Opt out of Mutation Roll?: Rolls Pls!
Chosen Lineset: #2 (old cs lines)
Proof of Approval: Free use breeding approval, but also given in dms!
Previous Offspring: None together
Dromedairy Discount?:

2025-03-10 23:03:34 (Edited 2025-03-10 23:03:53)

Rexos-Isle Avatar
Rexos-Isle Staff Member

Of course!
Invoice sent <3

2025-03-11 11:03:03

Masquii Avatar

i approve
just incase

2025-03-10 23:08:43

Rexos-Isle Avatar
Rexos-Isle Staff Member
Featured by Owner

Reply to this comment for your chance at the Artist Choice Offering Slot:

2025-03-10 22:52:51 (Edited 2025-03-10 22:52:55)

AleaShore Avatar

Username/s: AleaShore and aepa
Slot Type: Offering
Parent 1: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Km-1260
Parent 2: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Km-1261
Items Being Used: all from Alea's inventory
Offering of Love
Twin Trinket
10 mutatos
Opt out of Twin Roll?: N/A
Opt ouf of Mutation Roll?: please roll
Chosen Lineset: your choice <3
Proof of Approval: will have aepa comment approval <3
Previous Offspring: a lot XD all listed under Peaches, including the kids I have brought over from when they were in jbds <3
Dromedairy Discount?: N/A

2025-03-13 21:55:16

aepa Avatar


2025-03-13 22:56:58

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