Site Sales
[Open] Guest Artist Auction - OPEN
Posted 16 hours ago :: Last edited 16 hours ago by Rexos-IsleGuest Artist Auction - OPEN
Greetings, Solarians!
This auction is a special one as this beautiful Kiamara is made by February's amazing Guest Artist, Nattskyer!
We wanted to get the sales tab up and running before posting, so thank you all for your patience!
Nattskyer has chosen an auction for this wonderful Kiamara, so please read over the rules carefully before bidding!
Thank you so much for your contribution as GA for February! <3
- You must reply to the previous bid in the bid chain for it to be accepted as a bid.
- Once you have bid, it is final. Please only bid what you can afford.
- The auction will end 24 hours after the last bid has been made with a 1 hour snipe guard.
- Autobid to be added.
- Once the auction has ended, all payments must be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in the Kia going to the next highest bidder.
- Kiamara ToS Applies.
[Open] Kiamara Breedings 2/5 Open!
Posted 4 days ago :: Last edited 3 days ago by Rexos-IsleRex's Breeding Slots - 2/5 Open
It's time again for me to open up my breeding slots!
This time I'll be opening up 5 slots - 4 FCFS sale slots, and one Artist Choice Offering Slot!
New to breedings or want to know how they work? Check out the guide here to see how we do things!
- All forms MUST be filled out fully to be accepted. I will not be accepting incomplete forms at this time.
- If you are using another member's Kiamara or Dromedairy in your breeding, you must show proof.
- You may only claim 1 breeding slot within the first 24 hours.
- Offerings of Love can only be used on Offering Slots
- Please only link the masterlist image of your Kiamara or Dromedairy in your form.
- Paid slots must be paid for within 24 hours of the invoice being sent, otherwise the slot will be reopened.
- Any items you plan on using on your breeding must be in you or your partner's inventory before submitting your form.
Linearts To Choose From:
You can choose from one of the following linesets for your breeding if you are breeding Kiamaras!
Droma will be bred on the default lineset.
Triplet/Quad Pricing and Discounts:
YSince Triplet and Quad charms do not cover the price of the slot, if you use these on a paid breeding slot the price will increase.
Twin trinkets do not up the price of the slot.
Mystery Breedings:
If you do not choose the parents, the following prices are:
Triplet Charm: $50
Quad Charm: $55
Regular Breedings:
If you do choose the parents, the following prices are:
Triplet Charm: $60
Quad Charm: $65
Dromedairy Breeding Discount:
All dromedairy breedings by me have a $10 discount of the overall price!
Open Paid Slots:
Single-With-A-Chance: $35 per slot
2. Taerin
Guaranteed Twins: $50 Per Slot
1. Chilly
Artist Choice Offering Slot:
This slot is up to me to decide to take on!
Post your forms and after 24 hours I will choose one of the forms I fancy doing!
- Username/s:
- Slot Type:
- Parent 1:
- Parent 2:
- Items Being Used:
- Opt out of Twin Roll?: (For SWaC only)
- Opt ouf of Mutation Roll?:
- Chosen Lineset:
- Proof of Approval: (If needed)
- Previous Offspring:
- Dromedairy Discount?:
[Open] Royal Kiamara Adopts - OPEN
Posted 1 week ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by Rexos-Isle
Flatsale: Ka-3675 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Rare
Price: $35
Prince of the West - Dusk
Flatsale: Ka-3676 ・ [Closed]
Kiamara ・ Uncommon
Price: $25
Queen of the North - Midday
Flatsale: Ka-3677 ・ [Closed]
Kiamara ・ Rare
Price: $45
Princess of the East - Dawn
Flatsale: Ka-3678 ・ [Closed]
Kiamara ・ Rare
Price: $55
King of the South - Midnight
Royal Kiamara Adopts
Since I have been OBSESSED with Kingdom Come Deliverance 1 and 2 recently, I wanted to do some Kiamaras based on royalty!
This batch are all First-Come, First-Served flatsales!
I hope you like them!
Simply comment to claim!
> For this sale, you may only claim one Kiamara per person for the first 24 hours.
After 24 hours have passed from opening, you are able to purchase any others available.
> You must list which Kiamara you'd like to have in the comments below.
> All payments will be done through Paypal by Invoice.
> Once you have claimed, you have 24 hours after the invoice or Paypal address has been sent to pay.
> If you do not pay within 24 hours, the adoptable will go back up for sale/to the next person.
> Kiamara ToS applies
[Open] Cupid Cuties Adopts!
Posted 3 weeks ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by Rexos-Isle
Flatsale: Ka-4158 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Seasonal
Price: $25
Comment below to claim!
OTA: Ka-4159 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Seasonal
20th of February
Does not have to be USD! Can also offer Pre-Made Kiamaras, Items, Artwork or Non-CS Characters too!
Flatsale: Ka-4160 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Seasonal
Price: $25
Comment below to claim!
Raffle: Ka-4161 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Seasonal
Enter Here
You can find the raffle ticket for this kia in the Tour Guide Shop!
Cupid Cuties Adopts
Polar had the great idea to do a little teenie adopt batch among staff for Valentines Day! Unfortunately I am a couple of days late with this post due to being ill, but better late than never!
Polar, Autumn, Solloby, and I have made some cuties for you with the Cupid Seasonal Trait! We hope you like them as much as we enjoyed making them!
Each adopt has a different way of obtaining them - please check the information about before claiming!
> For flatsales, you must list which Kiamara you'd like to have in the comments below.
> For OTA's, you must reply to the featured comment below
> Once you have claimed, you have 24 hours after the invoice or Paypal address has been sent to pay.
> If you do not pay within 24 hours, the adoptable will go back up for sale/to the next person.
> Kiamara ToS applies
[Open] Mixed Kiamara Adopts - 3 open!
Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by PaintedKitsune
Flatsale: Ka-4065 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Rare
Price: $50
Avocado Chow Chow
Flatsale: Ka-4066 ・ [Closed]
Kiamara ・ Common
Price: $25
Blue Bulldog
Flatsale: Ka-4067 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Uncommon
Price: $35
Mossy Mint
Flatsale: Ka-4068 ・ [Open]
Kiamara ・ Rare
Price: $50
Donut Horse
Mixed Kiamara Adopts
Since being on Maternity Leave, Balloonist made me a lovely little adopt theme randomiser and I have been LOVING using it in my spare time! Because of that, I have a few adopts to share with you all!
This is also a second test for the sale system we wish to improve upon and implement fully further down the line to give users a more central place to adopt new characters for the ARPG!
If you have any suggestions on improvements you'd like to see, please be sure to send your feedback to the Kiamara Anonymous Questions, Concerns, and Suggestions box! Your input helps improve this site in the long run.
> For this sale, you may only claim one Kiamara per person for the first 24 hours.
After 24 hours have passed from opening, you are able to purchase any others available.
> You must list which Kiamara you'd like to have in the comments below.
> All payments will be done through Paypal by Invoice.
> Once you have claimed, you have 24 hours after the invoice or Paypal address has been sent to pay.
> If you do not pay within 24 hours, the adoptable will go back up for sale/to the next person.
> Kiamara ToS applies
[Closed] Cupid Kia and Droma Adopts - Closed
Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 3 weeks ago by PaintedKitsune
Flatsale: Ka-4149 ・ [Closed]
Kiamara ・ Seasonal
Price: $50
Flatsale: Da-068 ・ [Closed]
Dromedairy ・ Seasonal
Price: $44
A couple of adopts with the current seasonal trait, Cupid!
Wanted to do both a Kiamara and a Dromedairy like last year's New Dawn!
Based on Heartbreak and my love of strawberries!
Comment to claim! First-come, first served.
- All Kia T.o.S applies.
- You must comment below to claim.
- All payment must be sent via Paypal - I will invoice you upon claiming.
- You have 24 hours to pay the invoice before the Kia goes back up for sale.