Solarian Insider - June 21st

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by Rexos-Isle

Solarian Insider - June 21st Edition

Greetings Solarians!

Now now, I know what you're thinking; "Will, what are you doing? It's not the 21st of June in Solaria yes!" and to that, dear reader, I would wholeheartedly agree. I'd be a fool to argue with cold hard facts. So, why did I title this news entry the 21st? Because I have to have an early night tonight due to some recent events in the Cerulean Forest and need to get to the scene ASAP! And here's why:

Super Summer Slam Starts!

Today is the first day of the Super Summer Slam event! A two-month event where we will see a bunch of new quests available in Solaria for all you Rift Jumpers to take part in! According to intel, all Lampyres have seemingly disappeared today with the Cerulean Forest seemingly being the lead as to where they could have gone. Elijah and Leonidas have been scrambling to get a proper expedition trip sorted to go find out why, but until then you can attempt to find out on your own where they could have gone.

There is a one-week-only quest, "The Luminous Trail" available in the Events Hub. After 7 days have passed, this quest will no longer be available to participate in, so hurry down if you're brave enough to take the journey to the forest alone, or you can wait a week until the expedition is ready when there will be even more things to do, and the event shop will be live!

A new recipe has been added!

One of the exciting new recipes you can obtain from this one-week-only quest is a recipe book for Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers! And, unlike the other recipes you may be able to obtain, not only can you make a new item in the game but we have also added a real-life version you can make at home! From our very own lovely Zuppe's family recipe book, you can now read the recipe which is full of little lore tidbits about the world of Solaria, and if you end up making the recipe in your kitchen, you can also obtain a new mimic pet only obtainable from making this recipe IRL! 

This will be the first of four in this line of recipes, so keep an eye out for later in the event for even more delicious content!
And, of course, you do not need to own the recipe for this to be eligible, as long as you make yourself some tasty treats, it'll count towards the requirement for the pet!

Traditional Recipes of Solaria - Vol 1: Firecracker Fruit Cheese Poppers

Events Hub Added!

To make it easier for everyone to navigate during events, we have implemented our very own Events Hub! This is found under the 'Questing' navigation. When there isn't an event available, the page will let you know! 

New Pride Adopt announcement

We have a wonderful pride adopt for you all today from the lovely Snakiez! 
This Kiamara is a free raffle adopt that you can obtain a ticket from the General Store today! This raffle will remain open from today until June 30th! 


Strange box found in the general store

It appears there's a strange box in the General Store... Even Sally doesn't really know how it got there! But she is selling them for 40 credits each, with you being able to obtain 20 a week should you wish to! Apparently, there's a good luck charm inside...

New Items, pets, and collectibles added

With the Super Summer Slam event starting today, we wanted to share with you all the new items that will be coming along with the prologue quest! 


Site edits

We have been working hard at bringing everyone the best experience on-site as we possibly can, and one of the main ways we will be doing that is with overhauling the home page you see both before you sign in, and after you sign in! These pages are the first impressions of the site, and we are happy to show a little teaser of what we are working on for the signed-in version of the site! Of course, these are all early screenshots and do not reflect the final product, but we hope you can see something exciting >:)

Charity Pet and community poll Update

The charity pet will be going live on-site tomorrow at 4pm server time! This pet will only be available until the 30th of June. 
The poll for the Community Day item from April will also be going live at the same time! We are excited to show everyone what wonderful items fellow Rift Jumpers have come up with and excited to see which ones will get implemented!

That's all, folks!
Join me in the next edition of the Solarian Insider!

As always, any questions can be posted in response to this article, over on our Discord, or anonymous box!


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