Here you can find the privacy policy for Kiamaras.Com. All users must agree to the following policy when they sign up to our website.
We do not sell or share any information collected by us or the website itself to any third parties, no do we use third-party cookies.

Data Collection:
We collect the following data that you provide to ud when you create an account on

  • Your Username
  • Your Email
  • Your DeviantART Account.
    • Your DeviantART account is used to automatically verify your account upon creation and for character ownership purposes only. Others can view this information on the website. does not have access to any information regarding your DeviantART Account.
  • Any user-made content submitted to
    • We do not claim any intellectual rights to any of the work you submit to
  •  Site Activity
    • Site activity includes prompt submissions, any purchases, item usages, and character updates and approvals.
  • Timestamps are also included and are publically available for any user to see.
  • Information the user decides to provide.
    • We reserve the right to delete any personal information that is shared on the site, either by the user themselves or by another user.

Data Use: uses collected data for the following reasons:

  • To notify you about any changes to or any Kiamara Affiliated services.
  • To provide any form of customer support you may need.
  • To monitor the useage of any Kiamara affiliated service.
  • To maintain and provide services and to analyse valuable information to better improve our services.
  • To prevent, resolve, and work with technical issues you may find.

Data Transfer:
All information you provide, including personal data, is maintained on computers in the United Kingdom and laws may differ from those in your own state, provinence, or country.

Child Privacy and Information.
Users must be aged 16 years or older to sign up and use our website.
- Acounts that we are alerted to as being owned by a user under the age of 16 will be frozen and opened once the user reaches 16 years of age.

Any form of communication, such as emails, are not used to send site updates, advertisements, or any other form of spam.