
Pet Daycare

The Pet Emporium isn't just everyone's favourite pet care store and adoption centre, it's also a pet daycare for busy 'Maras and Droma to drop their Minimilk or Microkiamara companions off for a short period to ensure they can live an enriched lifestyle even if their owners need to spend some time away adventuring as-well-as to help them gain new skills.

G'Ma has put together a little course for our fluffy companions to help them thrive during their adventures in Solaria! This course takes place over four weeks to help your little friends not overwork themselves and you can take it at your Mini or Micro's own pace. After all, we all know these friendly companions only want to help, but too much help can cause them to burn out!

Companion Ceremony

Requires: Character Level 2 - Micro/Mini Level 1.
Both must be owned by the same user.



"Oh, hey there, Rift Jumper! I see you have found a lovely little companion that you'd like to perform the Companion Ceremony with. I remember going through my first Companion Ceremony with my little Minimilk; Lila. She and Red got on so well once she was surrendered to the daycare that I couldn't send her away. Where is she now? Oh, Benji now has her companionship ever since... Well, that's a bit personal; but don't worry! We set up play dates so she and Red can have some time together.

First things first: Before we begin I need to run you through a few things. With the Companionship ceremony, the Microkiamara or Minimilk you perform the ceremony with will become attached to you and only you, they won't be able to be attached to another 'Mara or Droma unless you both decide it's best for you or if you put your Micro or Mini up for adoption. You can't have more than one of the same type of companion linked to you, so you can't have an army of Microkiamaras following you (unfortunately) but you can have a Micro and a Mini attached to you. Of course, each companion you attach to you has to go through the ceremony and their lessons on their own with you as their owner. 

These little companions can help you find some of the precious trait stones after your companion ceremony and the more you grow your companionship with them, the higher the trait stones they can find!  For the ceremony, I want you both to tell me about the day you both met and to focus on this memory. This is said to have Tumult cast his eye on you and bond your two souls together as one, if you are to believe Benji's teachings that is.”

How did your character and their companion meet?

  • Did they happen to bump into each other in the Cerulean forest?
  • Maybe they adopted them from the Pet Emporium and it was love at first sight?
  • Could they have been adopted into your character's family? How did their first interaction go?
  • Maybe they heard tales on how Micros and Minis tend to look like their owners, so they went to find an incredibly similar one.
  • Could they have helped each other out in a tough scenario?
  • Or perhaps they were just in the right place at the right time?


Standard Art Requirements:
Must be a sketched, flatcoloured bust of the character with the Micro or Mini. Must have a background that shows where they are in Solaria (does not have to be defined). Must show how they felt.

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 400 words. Must mention the character's and their companion's names. Must mention where they met and what situation they were in. Must mention how they felt. Can be at least 200 words each from both of their perspectives or a conversation between them both.

Guaranteed Microkiamara Rewards:
Guaranteed Minimilk Rewards:

Lesson 1: Similarities

Requires: Character Level 2 - companion Level 2.
1 week must have passed between the previous quest and this one.


"Hello again Rift Jumper, and hello again little cutie! I see you both passed your Companionship Ceremony well. Did you both feel Tumult's eye upon you during it, 'binding you both together as one'? I sure didn't when I went through mine with Lila, but each their own and all. I'm glad you have both come back to improve your skills and gain some new ones through the lesson plan I've written!

I'm sure you would have seen all the advertisements around Solaria about this course as it's been around for quite some time now. This week's lesson is all about getting to know your companion a little better now that you two have a deeper bond as companion and guardian. If it hasn't been a week since your companionship ceremony, please come back later as you still need to get used to life as companions here in Solaria; it's much more than just friendships. The best friendships and relationships occur when you and the other end up being on the same wavelength, and the same can be said for you and your companion.

I want you both to show me what things you enjoy doing together and it can be absolutely anything! From baking cookies together, taking trips to the local farms to pick your fruit and veg, to even just chilling in the shade together. It's always nice to have someone close to you with the same interests and the more in-tune with one another you are, the better your adventures will be.”

What do your character and their companion have in common?

  • Do they enjoy taking long walks together on the beach to find some seashells?
  • Perhaps they are quite the archaeologist duo and go fossil hunting?
  • Maybe they enjoy making fairy cakes together?
  • Are they currently in a prank war with each other? Who's winning?
  • Could they both do a paint-by-numbers together?
  • Or perhaps they just like taking very, very, very long naps together.

Standard Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketched, flatcoloured bust of both the companion and character together. Must show the activity they enjoy. Can simply be the object of said activity (such as a paintbrush and palette if they enjoy painting together).

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 400 words. Must mention both the character and companion's name. Must mention the activity they enjoy doing together and why they enjoy it.

Guaranteed Microkiamara Rewards:
Guaranteed Minimilk Rewards:

Lesson 2: Before meeting

Requires: Character Level 2 - Companion Level 3.
1 week must have passed between the previous quest and this one.


"Congratulations on passing your first lesson together! I'm sure you both have had a fun week exploring even more activities and hobbies with one another, but I also hope you have both rested well. If it hasn't been a week since you took part in Lesson 1, I'll have to ask you to come back later as whilst I know you're both excited to keep on going, you also need to be rested for this next lesson.

To recap, last time we looked into what you and your companion have in common. This week we will be taking a look into our past and remembering what we did before we met each other. Whether you were working a 9-to-5 and quite monotonous lifestyle, going out on adventures spontaneously, or you were travelling from city to city to experience all you could as a tourist, it's very important to remember where you came from.

Who knows, maybe you'll both discover something about each other that you didn't know before!”

What did your character and companion do before they met each other?

  • Did their companion live in the emporium waiting to be adopted?
  • Was your character living the nine-to-five life wanting a bit of companionship?
  • Perhaps they both lived nearby but never met face to face until years later.
  • Maybe your Micro was part of a colony deep in the Cerulean Forest?
  • Could your character have been a traveller and wanted a companion to join them?
  • Or maybe, the Mini was adopted into the family when your character was a kit or calf!


Standard Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketchy, flatcoloured halfbody of the character and the Companion. Must have a background to show where they were at the time (Does not have to be defined). Must show the emotion on their face that shows how they felt at the time. Can be separate pieces.

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 550 words. Must mention both the character's and Companion's names. Must mention where in Solaria they were at the time. Must mention how they felt at the time and what situation they were in. Can be either two separate stories split into at least 275 words each or can be a conversation between the two

Guaranteed Microkiamara Rewards


Guaranteed Minimilk Rewards

Lesson 3: Great Adventurers

Requires: Character Level 2 - Companion Level 4.
1 week must have passed between the previous quest and this one.


"Well, well, it certainly is a bittersweet day seeing you come through these doors. It feels like yesterday I met you both for your Companionship Ceremony and now you're one step away from being a fully-qualified Adventuring Duo! Welcome to the third and final Lesson of this course. It's been a fun few weeks, hasn't it? Reminiscing about what life was like before and getting to know one another, and I think enough time has passed that you can see how everything has helped you become such a great team.

By now, you have both probably been on a couple of adventures together and should be pros in this final lesson. If you haven't been on any, that's okay as we will be putting you on your very first one today if that's the case! Before we go through the criteria for this lesson, I must remind you that if it hasn't yet been a week between this lesson and the previous one, come back later as you don't want to fumble on the final lesson. 

For this final lesson, I want you to talk to each other about your favourite adventure you've been on together or, if you are yet to embark on one, I want you both to plan one out and discuss how you think it'll go!”

What was your character and their companion's favourite adventure, or where do they plan to go for their first one?

  • Did they end up helping G'Ma with a few odd jobs here and there?
  • Maybe they helped out Rose in the Chefs Guild with some herbalism quests?
  • Could they have helped Sal prank Kenwood by hiding something in a storage room?
  • Could Elijah have asked them to help find some lost Rift-Jumpers and gather information about the calamity?
  • Perhaps they went out to sea to help Tomas find some Salvaging Reagents?
  • Or perhaps they plan on doing one of the above or something completely different together!


Standard Art Requirements:
Must be a sketchy, flatcoloured fullbody of the character with their companion. Must have a defined background of an area in Solaria. Must show what they were doing on the adventure and if they found anything, or what they are planning on finding. Must show how they felt about the ordeal or how optimistic they are about the quest.

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 700 words. Must mention both the character's and the companion's names. Must mention where in Solaria they travelled to or plan on travelling to. Must mention how they felt about the quest or how they are feeling about their plans. Must mention what they find or what they hope to find.

Guaranteed Microkiamara Rewards:
Guaranteed Minimilk Rewards: