Minimilk Guide
Minimilks, like Microkiamaras, are an open-species character-type in the world of Solaria that can aid your Kiamaras and Dromadaires through their travels and are one of the easier ways of obtaining trait stones and MYO Potions! These little long-necked friends can be upgraded to obtain higher-rarity items via the Pet Daycare and their MYO item can be obtained for free from the Pet Emporium.
Minimilks are able to have any traits you'd like and can be edited physically in any way as well, with many taking after their bonded Kiamara. The only thing that is consistent across all Minimilks are their diamond-shaped spots and their location.
Minimilks bond to both ‘Maras and Droma alike and you can own as many as your heart desires, however, each Kiamara/Dromadairy can only have one Mini attached to them at a time and can only use one Mnimilk’s buff during a quest at a time. You can change what Mini is connected to a Kiamara/Dromadairy, however, if you do this the Minimilk will revert to Level 1 if you have already upgraded them. Minis are also not considered Pets in the world of Solaria but rather characters, so you are unable to use mimics on them to change their appearance.
Minimilk Levels:
Minimilks have 5 different levels, with every Mini starting at level 1. With each level your Mini gains, they will obtain a new buff. You can level-up your Minis at the Pet Daycare by doing the Minimilk and Microkiamara questline. You can only do one quest in the questline each week and each Mini must be connected to a Kiamara or Dromedairy to take part. You can see each level's buff here:

50% No reward
35% Old Collectors Bag
15% Uncommon Camilk

40% No Reward
35% Old collectors Bag
15% Uncommon Camilk
10% Rare Camilk

35% No Reward
35% Old collectors Bag
15% Uncommon Camilk
10% Rare Camilk
5% Very Rare Camilk

30% No Reward
25% Old collectors Bag
20% Uncommon Camilk
13% Rare Camilk
6% Very Rare Camilk
2.5% Sand Subtype tablet
2.5% Swamp Subtype Tablet
1% Legendary Camilk
You can have both a Microkiamara and a Minimilk attached to the same character at the same time, however, you can only use one of their levelled buffs in a quest even if both are present in the art piece. There is an additional buff for if they have both companion species attached! This buff only works if both the Microkiamara and the Minimilk are both Level 5:
Greatest Guardian:
Characters with this buff must have one Level 5 Microkiamara and one Level 5 Minimilk attached to them. Once attached, when this character is used in Enhanced Quests, they have a chance at obtaining the following:
Submission requirements:
For a Mini's buff to be accepted within a quest, they must be attached to a Kiamara/Dromadairy. In order to attach a Minimilk to your Kiamara/Dromadairy, they must take part in the 'Companion Ceremony' quest at the Pet Daycare. Once this has been accepted, you will notice on your Minimilk's profile that they will have a link to the Kiamara/Dromadairy's 'Buff' section that they are attached. This also applies to the Kiamara/Dromadairy. Here is an example that a Microkiamara and Kiamara have, as this would work the same for Minimilks.
Additionally, all submissions require the user to attach their Minimilk to their quest entry and label what level the buff is in the comments sections. This is so our rollers can tell which buff your Mini has and, if you use more than one Mini for story purposes, which one will be used. You can do this like the following example:
If a Minimilk is not attached to your Kiamara/Dromedairy, quest entry, or does not have their level written in the comment box, their buff will not be rolled for.
If this was a mistake, you can cancel your quest entry before this gets rolled so you can resubmit your prompt entry.
Art requirements:
Your Minimilk will have to follow the requirements for the prompt the same as the Kiamara/Dromadairy, just like Microkiamaras. For example; if the requirements request: Must at least be a sketchy, flat-coloured fullbody, then your Mini must also follow these.
You can see a Microkiamara example here of what you would have to do based on the requirements of the following prompt:
Writing requirements:
In order for the Minimilk buff to count you would need to add an additional word limit that is equal to half of the original word limit. For example, if a prompt requires 400 words to be accepted, you need to write an additional 200 words. The Minimilk must also be present throughout the story, not just mentioned once.
You can see from the following Microkiamara written examples what would be accepted, and what would be declined as these follow the same requirements for Minimilks:
Accepted Written Microkiamara Quest Example - Declined Written Microkiamara Quest Example
Pet F.A.Q:
As people ask questions about the Minimilk systems that haven't been addressed in this guide, they will go here to help those who may have the same question! Until there are any that have been addressed, if you have a question or concern about the Minimilk system, please leave a comment below, post in the Questions and Concerns channel on the Discord Group , or post in our Anonymous Questions and Concerns Google Form!