Pandrean Library
The Pandrean Library is home to all sorts of tales from fictional heroes and helpful souls saving the world from catastrophe, all the way to the ancient texts of long-forgotten civilizations. The archivists work tirelessly to obtain a copy of every piece of literature, whether fact or fictitious, to store away so no other may forget their history like the 'Maras had. Fortunately for you, or unfortunately depending on how much you value your privacy, includes your story. Being one of the 'Maras that have either lived through the Calamity or jumped through the rifts caused by it, your story could offer valuable insight that no other can give, and it very well may be the book that could help future generations should another disastrous event like this occur again.
Or perhaps you're not one for grand tales and your part in the history books is to sit back, relax, and enjoy the finer things in life. After all, you've just discovered a world of possibility, may as well make a lot of fun memories and relax! There are a lot of books on offer for you to read to help you make Solaria yours for the taking!
Please read over the Quest Information before submitting an entry.
Your odyssey is a collection of your personal stories and an insight into who you are. With all the chaos going about, the Archivists have asked if you would be able to help them document the Calamity as you see it, hoping that with enough insight from as many 'Maras as they can find, they could find out exactly how it happened and, more importantly, to stop anything like this occurring again...
ODyssey Chapter I: Finding your footing
Requires: Level 2 - ONCE PER KIAMARA

"Oh, hey there! You seem a bit woozy… Did you just fall through one of those rifts? Hmmm!? Oh, maybe you’re just a bit befuddled by all the changes around here… Don’t worry, I am too. It has been a Cuh-RAZY week! Grandpa’ always taught me that if you ever feel a bit confused or even a little bit lost, trying to retrace your steps can help? Like this one time, I had a stack of fliers ready for New Dawn and this Mara’ fell through a rift, landed on me and all my fliers flew away! Knocked me clean out! Wasn’t until I double-backed on my steps I worked out what happened! Anyway, enough about me, how about you…?”
How did your Kiamara come to find themselves in the bustling world of Solaria?
- Were they born here and lived here their entire life?
- Did they wake up one morning and fall through an unexpected Rift?
- Perhaps they took a wrong turn on the way to work and found themselves in Pandrea?
- After a fight on a pirate ship, did they wake up on the shore in Newport?
- Maybe they’re completely clueless and trying to find out how they got here?
- Did they cast a spell that went wrong and they were transported here?
Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched fullbody with flat colour of the Kiamara. Must have a defined background. Must show a snippet of their life before Solaria or a snippet of their life In Solaria (if they originated there).
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 600 words in length. Must mention the Kiamaras name. Must mention how they came to Solaria or give an insight into their life on Solaria before the Calamity.
ODyssey Chapter II : A Whole World Ago
Requires: Level 2
Must attach the characters' approved 'Odyssey Chapter I: Finding your footing' on submission
“Heyo! So glad to see you again, did you manage to retrace your steps on what happened when you got here? I know a LOT of ‘Maras have been struggling with it. It’s good to remember where you came from so you don’t lose track of who you are. I was originally born in a small village to the north but moved to the City when I was old enough to get a job, and that’s what got me here. What did you do before the Calamity? Were you a native or did you come through a rift?”
What did your Kiamara do before the Calamity?
- Are you from another world? What did you do in your homeworld?
- What kind of job did you have before the Calamity? In your homeworld or on Solaria?
- Did you enjoy your life before the Calamity, or would you go back to it if you could?
- Is there anything you miss about life before the Calamity?
- If you could change one thing about your current life, what would it be?
Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched fullbody with flat colour of the Kiamara. Must have a defined background. Must show what they did before the Calamity, in their homeworld or on Solaria.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 750 words in length. Must mention the Kiamaras name. Must mention what they did before the Calamity, in either their homeworld or on Solaria in depth. Give an answer about whether they prefer life pre or post-Calamity.
ODyssey Chapter Iii: fRIENDLY fACES
Requires: Level 2 - ONCE PER KIAMARA
must link the characters' 'Odyssey chapter II: A Whole World Ago' approved prompt on submission
"Ah, hello there deary! I see you have been exploring our wonderful Solaria. It can be a bit of a shocker, even to us! We simply went to bed one night and woke up to there being many new and vastly different individuals, rifts popping up everywhere leading to anywhere, and not to mention there being a barrier stopping us from getting to the old Monument... it sent the whole city of Pandrea into a panic. But not Serah. She was the smart one that day, wanting to befriend those who were scared of the new world we woke up in or those who ended up falling through the rifts. Speaking of which, have you managed to find some friends around to help you settle in?”
How does your Kiamara react to the citizens of Solaria?
- Do they love spending time with G'Ma and her menagerie of pets?
- Perhaps they enjoy taking a stroll with Benji through the cerulean forests?
- Maybe they trust Sal with their deepest secrets? Though, if they do, then... probably they should find new friends.
- Could they always spend an afternoon down in Newport helping out Kenwood with his duties?
- Do they decide to help Masie with her errands at the job center?
- Or could they even spend time with Rose, making some new pastries?
Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched fullbody with flat colour of the Kiamara. Must show them interacting with at least 1 NPC. The NPC must also be at least a sketched fullbody with flat colour. Must show the emotion on both their faces.<
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 600 words in length. Must mention the Kiamaras name. Must mention the NPC who they are interacting with. Must mention how they first met and what the interaction was like. Must mention what their current relationship is with the NPC (friend or foe).
ODyssey Chapter Iv: Learning the land
Requires: Level 2 - Kiamara must have the 'apprentice robes' outfit being worn
“Oh, so you're the new rift jumper that's been going around? With the stories I had heard they mentioned you'd be somewhat... more ethereal, almost prophetic. But looking at you, I can see you are just an average adventurer. Oh, no, I didn't mean it like that; after all we all have to start somewhere. I remember when I was a young deckhand, I didn't even earn my feathers yet and I was already trying my best. Though, my best would obviously be subpar without the right guidance. So let me share with you a little knowledge I learned that helped me become the very busy Dockmaster you see today; learn the way of the land, and it's boon shall be bestowed upon you. This whole world is full of things to discover and if you pay attention, you may find some secrets along the way. Why not have a look at this shipping schedule, maybe one of the captains will help take you near and far - oh, wait, is that the time already?! I didn't even have time for lunch...”
Where does your Kiamara want to explore and why?
- Do they travel around Pandrea, the Capital City of Solaria, to see the sights?
- Maybe they head to Manabane to go and see where the Manahunter's Institute is?
- Perhaps you decide to go to Crestport, where the Dromedairies originated from?
- Maybe you decide to go check out one of the already discovered Inturosian Ruins?
- Or maybe, you decide to just travel the seas to see the sights - may as well take a cruise if you can!
Standard Art Requirements:
Character must be wearing the Apprentice Robes in the piece. Must at least be a sketched bust with flatcolour. The headshot must at least show the hood of the Apprentice Robes. Must show where they wish to go, does not have to be a defined background, and can have liberty with how this is portrayed. For example; showing the main reagents of said location, showing the sea, or showing distinguishing house types.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 250 words in length. Must mention the character's name. Must mention them wearing their Apprentice Robes in some capacity. Must mention where they wish to travel to. Must also mention why they decide to go to this destination. If not going anywhere, you must mention why they decide to stay put.
Enhanced Art Requirements:
Character must be wearing the Apprentice Robes in the piece. Must at least be a sketched fullbody with flat colour. Must have a defined background of the location they wish to travel to. Must show what they think of the location.
Enhanced Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 600 words. Must mention the character's name. Must mention that they are wearing their Apprentice Robes in some capacity, and how they feel about the outfit overall. Must mention where they are traveling to and why they decided to go there. Must mention what kind of things they are hoping to find and whether they feel optimistic about their trip or not. If not going anywhere, you must mention why they decide to stay put and what would it take for them to leave to travel.
Home, Sweet Home aims to help others realize their true potential when it comes to home-ownership. Inspiring readers with themes, styles, and more.
Home, Sweet Home
Requires: Level 2
"Hey again! It’s just me. I know things have been wild around here recently, so many changes. When things are moving too quickly for me I like to sit back with my feet up, steaming hot coffee and relax in my lounge. Speaking of lounges, have you managed to settle in okay with everything going on around here? I know with all the Kiamara’s coming through rifts has really shaken things up but are you finding things okay? I’m just making sure with all the hustle and bustle everyone has a place to call their own, y’know!? Let me know if you need help finding anywhere, plenty of properties on the bulletin board recently!”
Where does your Kiamara live and what does their home look like?
- Do they live in the vibrant city of Pandrea?
- Have they taken up residence on the coastline like Newport, Crestport or Lakeview?
- Maybe they find shelter in the woods of the Cerulean Forest and live freely?
- Is your Kiamara homeless, still yet to find their place in the world?
- Perhaps your Kiamara is caught between the feuding villages of Talinokk and Stonehill?
- What kind of things does your Kiamara keep in their home?
Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched halfbody with flatcolour of the Kiamara. Must have a defined background. Must show where in Solaria your Kiamara lives.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words in length. Must mention the Kiamaras name. Must describe your Kiamara’s living space in detail and anyone they live with. Must describe why they chose their home.
Personal Space
Requires: Level 2 -
Must link the characters' 'Home, Sweet Home' approved prompt on submission.
“Now that you have found a place to settle down in Solaria (unless you haven't, in which case, why not, there's so much this world has to offer a Rift Jumper like you!) it's time to truly make a house a home! One of the things I think of when I think of home is the feeling you get when you cuddle up on the sofa, a warm blanket in front of the fire, with a nice book in one hand and a warm cup of tea in the other. Sometimes a single room is where we spend most of our time at home, so why not make the most of it! So tell me, what is your favourite room in your home?”
What is your favourite room in your home?
- Do you enjoy cooking so spend most of your time in the kitchen?
- Maybe chilling in the living room is your preferred method of relaxing?
- Perhaps you have a special purpose-built room for a hobby?
- What does the room look like?
- Why is your chosen room your favourite?
- Maybe you have a lovely memory that took place in that room?
Standard Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketchy, flatcoloured defined background. Must at least have a sketchy, flatcoloured bust of the Kiamara. Must show at least one whole wall of the room.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words. Must mention the Kiamaras name. Must describe the room, mentioning the colour of the walls and the floors. Must mention a notable piece of furniture. Must mention what they spend their time doing in said room.
Favourite Thing
Requires: Level 2 - Must link the characters' 'Personal Space' approved prompt on submission.
"One thing that makes a house a home is filling it with all sorts of knick-knacks and all things pretty! Something you can look at to give you the feeling of belonging, spark a memory, or set the mood of the room. One of the things I have back in my den is a photo frame that Masie gave me. It has dried, pressed flowers displayed in it. It is of the first bunch of flowers she ever got me, and I display it happily on my mantle. I look at it every time I feel low or miss her... Ahem, anyway! What is a favourite thing of yours that you have at home?"
What does your Kiamara consider their favourite thing at home?
- Is it a specific vase where you display your favourite daisies?
- Maybe it's your antique chais longue that you sleep on in the summer months?
- Perhaps you have a little salt and pepper set in the shape of lampyres?
- Is the ceramic dregonian statue that you keep in your study your favourite item?
- Could it be the box of truffles you've kept around from Affinity Faire to remind you of the event?
- Or is it a specific rug that you have that is super fluffy under your feet?
Standard Art Requirements:
The item must be fully lined and flatcoloured. Must have a defined background to show where the item is. Kiamara does not have to be present in the art piece.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words in length. Must mention the Kiamaras name. Must describe what the item is. Must mention any use the item has, or if it is sentimental. Must mention the memory of how they obtained the item.

Spring Cleaning
Requires: Level 2 - Must have one of the key sets attached to THE character
"So, you've found a house, you've decorated it room-by-room, and you have all the thingamabobs and doo-daahs inside that make it homely! But now, the last important step in making a house a home: Cleaning. Sometimes a quick tidy is all a room needs, and often times it can be a slug... but either way, it will need doing. I often find that music helps! So, why not show us how you clean and tidy up, and we can see how to make your home shiny as ever!"
How does your Kiamara clean their home?
- Do they prefer dusting and using the duster as a microphone?
- Maybe they like running around the house with the vaccum?
- Could they be too tired to clean and simply attempt to throw rubbish in the bin, though often miss?
- Perhaps they focus specifically on polishing all their jewels?
- Those cobwebs in the corners of the room? Maybe they are just aesthetically pleasing to them!
- Or maybe they just stuff everything under their bed to deal with it later?
Standard Art Requirements:
Must have at least a sketchy, flatcoloured bust of the Kiamara. Must show an object the Kiamara is cleaning. Must show an additional tool they use to clean said object. The Kiamara does not have to be interacting with either objects.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 250 words. Must mention the Kiamaras' name. Must mention the object or room they are cleaning. Must mention how they attempt to clean their room.
Enhanced Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketched fullbody with flatcolour. Must have a defined background. Must show the object or room they are cleaning. Must show an expression on the Kiamaras' face in relation to the activity. Must show a tool used to clean and the Kiamara interacting with it.
Read more about Minimum Requirements for Artwork here!
Enhanced Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 600 words. Must mention the Kiamaras' name. Must mention the object or room they are cleaning. Must mention how they attempt to clean their room. Must mention how they feel about cleaning said room or object and why they feel that way. Must include whether or not they are happy with their attempt.