
Engineers' GuilD

The world of Solaria is vast and full of hidden treasures and trinkets for you to find. From the secrets still lurking deep within the Cerulean Forests or the horrors that lurk in the Wrathion Woodlands, there's always a chance for you to stumble across something worthwhile. Those who are keen to find these treasures or to make something out of them usually find their home at the Engineer's Guild.

The Engineer's Guild prides itself on pushing its members to give in to the feeling of wanderlust and adventure, with many of said members being collectors, salvagers, or tinkerers. One such 'Mara who considered himself all three is the guild leader, Tomas. Having grown up in the coastal city of Newport, he has been surrounded by guild members all his life so it was no wonder he would eventually join and work his way up its ranks.

Since the Calamity, he focuses on trying to find new items and making new gadgets and gizmos to try to help find out what on earth has happened to Solaria and, more importantly to him, how he has become cursed by the very gods themselves...

Salty salvage

Requires: Level 2


Oh, hey, give me... One second... Hmmm, red wire should go there... Or was it the blue? Perhaps this could be used for... Ah! Yes, the stone that came with it, should be here somewhere...Oh, hi! Sorry, how long have you been standing there? I've been trying to get this little gadget to work all day but I don't think we have the stuff lying around... I have all these scraps yet there is nothing I can use that seems to fit to make it work... But, maybe, you could help?

Ah, right, I should probably give an introduction before I get ahead of myself! I'm Tomas, leader of the Engineer's Guild! Even if we've already met, I want to make sure you don't forget a handsome face like mine, friend! So, what was it you were here for again? Oh, you want to help out the Engineer's Guild? Perfect, we need some help and I think you'd be perfect for the job!

Up until recently, we have been sending out clean-up crews to pick up all the junk and random items that have dropped or flown out of the rifts nearby to keep the area clean, with anything that isn't classified as 'Important' by the Manahunter's Guild ending up with us. Since then, however, we have cleared up most of the common rubbish that comes through, but we have been told some of the items the Manahunter's would usually take have now been left behind. They've probably done enough research on them and have determined it to just be junk like the rest.

So, with these new items showing up, how about you go out and have a little look for some of them for us? If you can find some, I'd happily test and research it to figure out if it has another use for you, and you may even get a little recipe for you to tinker with. So, whaddaya say? Care to help out? You can either go and find things on land, or take one of the guild's ships for a ride!

Where do you go? What do you find?                                                                                             

  • Do they decide to look around the ship rather than take it somewhere?
  • Maybe they sail to Bootleg Bog and find some pirates with some of the items you want?
  • Perhaps they go by foot to Manabane and just ask the Manahunter's Guild for any items they don't want?
  • Do they instead go to Lakeview and have a look at the mudflats; maybe something is buried there?
  • Maybe they decide to sail to a random spot in the ocean to try to see if there's any flotsam or jetsam to take?
  • Would you say that your mission was successful? What did you bring back to Tomas?


Sailing and Hiking Seasons:
During your Salvaging missions, your character can choose to go Sailing or Hiking to try to find their items, however, there are periods where sailing or hiking cannot be completed. This is usually due to the weather in Solaria, with high seas and harsher weather periods making finding items harder to obtain without the specific equipment needed to explore these areas unharmed. 

Hiking can be freely done during: 
April 1st - June 30th
October 1st - December 31st

Sailing can be freely done during: 
January 1st - March 31st 
July 1st - September 30th

If you wish to go hiking or sailing out-of-season, you will have to purchase the appropriate items from the Engineer's Guild Shop, which will also grant you an additional roll of either the standard or enhanced loot table.

Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched bust with flat-colour of the character. Must show them either a picture of a backpack if hiking or a ship if they are sailing somewhere on the art piece. Must show them at least holding the item they wish to find from the standard reward table in their mouth.

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 250 words in length. Must mention the name of the character in the piece. Must mention whether they decided to hike or to sail and why. Must mention where they have travelled to and what they want to find from the standard reward table. Must mention how they think they will feel if they find it.

Enhanced Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched fullbody with flat-colour of the character. Must have a defined background to show where in Solaria they are and whether they are hiking or sailing. Must show them interacting with any of the items found in either the standard or enhanced rewards table. 

Enhanced Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words in length. Must mention the name of the character in the piece. Must mention whether they decide to hike or to sail and why. Must mention where they have travelled to and why they decided to go there. Must mention what they wish to find from either the standard or enhanced rewards table. Must mention how they think they will feel if they find it.

On-Base Art Requirements:
Bases must be a clean-lined, flat-coloured fullbody of the character. They must have a defined background depicting where in Solaria they are. If the character is hiking, it must show them on a pathway with a backpack. If the character is sailing, it must show them on a platform that is identifiable as a ship. Must show the character interacting with the item they wish to find in some way.

On-Base entries must have their base approved by an admin before submission.
On-Base entries will only receive the Standard Art Rewards.

Possible Standard Rewards:
Possible Enhanced Rewards:
Additional Rewards:

Nuts and bolts

Requires: Level 2


“Ahh, thank you lil' Riftie for helping us grab some tinkering bits here and there. How was the hike? Or the sailing? All good I hope! Even if not, I'm sure you've found some wonderful bits that you can either use as is or even remake into something else should you wish to. Speaking of making things into something else, here at the Engineer's Guild it's our bread and butter to do just that. We have lots of little trinkets and gadgets that could help you on your travels, and we are always looking for more with the ones we like the most heading to the Engineer's Guild Shop for others to use.

There are also some items out in the wild that we see a lot of 'Mara and Droma obtaining but have very little use for. Especially items that are just labelled as 'Junk' to most around here. If you can find a use for them, we may be able to give you some of the items we reserve for our more influential Engineers and Salvagers in the guild. Who knows, you may make an everyday item more useful for the folk in Solaria!

And even if not, at least you are doing your part to clean up some of the discarded items that either those pesky rifts or rather... distasteful citizens have decided to leave all over the place...….                   

What type of item do you make?                                                                                             

  • Do they make an item that would help pass along specific traits to offspring?
  • Perhaps they make a trinket that could guarantee an item from a specific quest?
  • Maybe they use some junk items to create an item to transform junk into something more useful?
  • Do they need to use a currency to make the item work?
  • Perhaps they can somehow make a new type of pet?
  • Or maybe, they just want to make something so overpowered everyone can benefit from? If that even works, that is...


Making Something out of Nothing:
The Engineers Guild is always looking for new ways to use any spare materials, or even some discarded items, in an attempt to both clean up the waste found in Solaria and also lend a helping hand to those who could benefit from the things they create. Using the items listed, you must use them to create something for the residents in Solaria to be able to use. 

Items that we feel could come in handy in the ARPG may be turned into items to use in-game!
If you do not wish for your idea to be potentially created in-game, please mention it in the comments of your submission.

Special Quest Requirements:
For this quest, each requirement tier will require some reagents to be handed into the quest via the 'Add-Ons' part of the quest entry form. Here is a list of all the reagents you can use for this quest: 


Standard Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketchy, flatcoloured bust of your character. Must show 1 reagent used in the creation of your item along with a sketchy flat-coloured image of the created item. Can show additional items that are not part of the list above being used as well.  Must mention in the comments of your entry what the item would be called and what it could do.

You must submit the reagent used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 250 words in length. Must mention your character's name.  Must mention at least 1 reagent your character plans on using to make the item. Can mention additional items that are not from the list above being used as well. Must describe what the item looks like.  Must mention in the comments of your entry what the item would be called and what it could do.

You must submit the reagent used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Enhanced Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched flat-coloured half-body of the character. Must have a defined background to show where in Solaria they are. Must show at least a sketchy flat-coloured image of the created item. Must show the 2 reagents used in creating the item. Can show additional items that are not part of the list above being used as well.  Must mention in the comments of your entry what the item would be called and what it could do.

You must submit the 2 reagents used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Enhanced Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 500 words in length. Must mention your character's name. Must describe their surroundings Must mention the 2 reagents your character plans on using to make the item from the list above. Can mention additional items that are not from the list above being used as well. Must describe what the item looks like and why the character is making the item in the first place.  Must mention in the comments of your entry what the item would be called and what it could do.

You must submit the 2 reagents used in your prompt along with your quest entry. Must be from the list above.

Bonus Reward Requirements:
For the enhanced version of this quest only, if you do these additional requirements you have the chance of obtaining an additional reward from your quest entry. This requirement is optional and only if you want to obtain one of the bonus rewards listed below.  

Whether you are writing or using art for your quest entry, for a bonus reward you must add 1 additional reagent from this list to your add-ons:
Bonus Art Requirements:
Must be at least a sketched, flat-coloured fullbody of the character rather than a half-body. Must show a 3rd additional reagent used in the creation from the list above.

Bonus Writing Requirements:
Must mention which 3rd additional reagent you are using in the dish. Must add 150 words to your quest entry, bringing the total minimum word limit from 500 to 650 words.

On-Base Art Requirements:
Bases must show a flat-coloured, clean-lined fullbody of the character. Must display a defined background of either being outside or in a warehouse environment. The character must show what 1 reagent they are using to make the item from the table under 'Special quest requirements', 

You must submit the single reagent used in your prompt along with your quest entry.
On-Base entries must have their base approved by an admin before submission.
On-Base entries will only receive the Standard Art Rewards.


Possible Standard Rewards:
Possible Enhanced Rewards:
Bonus Rewards: