Community Hall
Welcome to the Community Hall! Here we work on projects as a whole unit together or celebrate unity in one way or another; be it through team-building events, Mateship Ceremonies, or through celebrating the bond of friendship - there is always something you can do here! We even have a fishing class for the elderly folk to help their joints, and an all-ages piano lounge hosted on the weekends. Don't see something you're interested in? Be sure to check back often as we are always hosting events that everyone can join in on!
Mateship Ceremony
Requires: Level 2
“Ah, I see that you have found a beloved or two to be with until the end of days! Oh, happy days. It's always heartwarming to see new love blossom in these trying times. Forming a mateship is a testament to one's bond and love for another, and is held sacred within Solarian Society. Here in Solaria, it is allowed for mateships to be formed with up to 3 'Mara or Droma at a time. You must all be sure of your decision before the Ceremony begins, as once a mateship is formed, any breakage of the Mateship will form a scar on one's soul, disallowing you to be mated to the same souls again”
What moment did your Characters know they wished to be mated?
- Does your character devote their life to helping others?
- Has your character decided on their lifelong career?
- Perhaps they have reached a complete state of serenity, entirely content with their life the way it is?
- Maybe they’ve found your Soulmate and things cannot simply get better from here?
- Or maybe they're not sure what their future holds, but the uncertainty only motivates them to find out?
Important Quest Information:
In order for your characters to be mated into a couple/throuple, they must share a special moment between the two/three of them.
These do not have to be the same as one-another if you feel that one character holds a different special moment close to them than the other/s.
You must submit a unique entry for all parties involved with a Mateship which means if you own only one of the characters within the mateship, the other owner must also submit an entry for the mateship to go through. These will not be accepted until all parts of the quest entries have been submitted.
Dromedairies and Kiamaras can become mated in a cross-species relationship for story purposes, however please note the species cannot breed together and the Mateship Breeding Buff will not apply to these relationships.
Standard Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketchy flatcoloured half-body of the focus character. Must at least show sketchy, flatcoloured busts of the other characters within the proposed mateship. Must show the emotions of the characters.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 400 words in length. Must mention each character's name. Must mention the location the event occurred and what the weather was like on that day. Must have at least one conversation written between the focus character and each other character within the proposed mateship.
All characters that go through a mateship will acquire both buffs listed below.
You can read up more about how to use these buffs from the Perma-Buff Guide.
Buff: Unwavering
Kiamara Buff Ability: When used in a breeding with another Kiamara in the mateship, this buff will grant +5 to all traits passable from this Kiamara. Does not stack if the other Kiamara has the same trait.
Dromedairy Buff Ability: Grants a 7% chance for a hybrid colour palette to pass to offspring when used in a breeding with another Dromedairy in the mateship. Also gains a 3% chance for a colour palette of another biome different to all parents involved in the mateship to be granted to offspring.
A Friend In Need

"Solaria can be confusing at times, and sometimes it can be downright dangerous with all this Calamity malarky, that’s why it’s important to always keep your friends close. Like me! I don’t have too many friends, but you won’t ever catch me leaving the house without Zip and Zop. People seem to think friends need to be other Kiamaras… But hey! Friends can be whoever you want them to be. I had this uh, “friend” who was best friends with a rock when I was, uh, THEY were younger… Anyway… Having Zip & Zop is cool and all but nothing beats talking to another 'Mara, heading out for a walk with them, or heading down to the Plaza in Pandrea and sampling the goodies. Have you ever had another Kiamara you'd consider a friend help you with something?
What problem do you need to overcome and how does your friend help you?
- Perhaps your friend helped you through a tough life event?
- Did someone throw away an object you hold dear and your friend got it back?
- Your friend bailed you out of an uncomfortable situation?
- Did you thank your friend for helping you? How did you thank them?
- Were you backed up in a fight or did you get talked into your senses?
- Maybe they helped you recover an item from a sneaky little Lampyre?
Minimum Art Requirements:
Must at least be a sketched half body with flat colour of the Kiamara. Must depict the situation in which your friend helped you.
Minimum Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 400 words in length. Must mention both Kiamaras' names. Must be written from the first-person perspective. Must describe the situation between the two Kiamaras.
All characters that go through this quest will acquire the buff listed below.
You can read up more about how to use this buff from the Perma-Buff Guide.
Buff: Best Friends
Buff Ability:
Allows you to draw/write two linked characters together in a single quest entry and be allowed to submit it twice if they meet the requirements for both the quest and the buff; once for each character. This means if you tend to write entries where one of your characters interacts with another or you like drawing pieces with two characters, they can now be accepted twice!
Serah's Sketches - October
Requires: Level 2
Once Per Account, Per Month
Each month, I'll give a new prompt for you guys to draw! There will be a unique badge and a guaranteed reward each month for your entries, and we will also hand out an award to one lucky entrant! This will be completely random, though, but hey - one more trophy to add to your shelf!
Though, you can only enter once per account, per month! But at least the rewards are guaranteed, right?
Oh, hey there Riftie! Ah, one of my favourite holidays is on its way; Hearth Fire! It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to go trick-or-treating. Back before the rifts came to be, I used to be a camp counsellor and would often take the little ones house-to-house around this time. I adored their wonderful little outfits, and they always made me smile with how creative they were when making them. Oh, such an easier time…
Anyway, you didn’t come here to hear me reminisce about the ‘Good Old Days’, you’d get enough of that from G’Ma and, don’t tell her I said this, but I have quite a good few years before I reach her level of uh… Gracefulness, if you catch my drift! This month’s Serah’s Sketches is all about helping out by getting everyone in Solaria in a spooky mood ahead of Hearth Fire! This year, I want to see everyone dressed up in their best outfits ready for trick-or-treating, or a Hearthfire party!
And the best thing about this month’s rewards? If you take part in this, you’ll also get to re-use your costumes in the Dress-Up Competition during the event this year! Isn’t that amazing? So if you decide to re-use it, you should put your heart and soul into it for the best chance of being crowned Solarias Best Dressed by the judges! Remember, there are still a couple of weeks until the Dress-Up competition, so get designing! You don't want to be late!
You have until the 31st of October to submit your entry!
What is your character dressing up as for Hearth Fire?
- Do they want to dress up as a princess and live out their medieval fantasy for Hearthfire?
- Maybe they like showing that they enjoy their five-a-day and dress up as a giant strawberry?
- Perhaps they can’t decide between going as a ghost or a vampire so they make a ghost-vampire outfit?
- Maybe they are a Droma who wants to dress up as a Kia, or vice-versa?
- Or maybe, they love lampyres so much they can’t help but make their own costume as one!
Standard Art Requirements:
Must be at least a clean-lined, flat-coloured outfit shown in full, on a silhouette. Can either be done on a quad or anthro silhouette. Must at least have 3 different colours/shades present on the piece. Must have at least 3 annotations on the piece to mention what specific pieces are, for example: A lace train, bell-shaped sleeves, made with straw, used leaves for a crown, etc.
Standard Writing Requirements:
Must be at least 400 words in length in total. Must mention the name of your character. Must mention what the overall theme of the outfit is. Must mention 3 different types of material they plan to use for it and what colour the materials are. Must mention whether they find it easy or hard to make. Must mention a technique they use to create it, such as knitting, sewing, glueing, etc. Must mention what they think of the finished result when they try it on
"The entry of this month's Serah's Sketches can be used as one of your 3 entries in the Dress-Up Competition Quest releasing on the 16th of October.