Minimilks, or 'Minis' and 'Moolas', were an attempt by the Inturod who fell in love with Dromedairies to make a more house-friendly variety of the species who didn't have any agricultural need for a Droma but still wanted one to have as a companion in life. Just like with Microkiamaras, Minimilks were created using similar methods of both DNA mixing and selective breeding that could be compared to an average Golden Retriever or German Shepard in size, but with an intelligence that is still as comparable to Droma themselves. With the use of the research conducted to bring Microkiamaras into existence, Minimilks can be any colour unlike their Droma counterparts, however, they also have specific spot placements just like Micros. These Minis tend to be very calm and collective, with many often being shy of newcomers. But, if you can worm your way into the heart of a Minimilk, they are a very loyal companion who would walk with you to the very ends of Solaria and back again.

Just like their Microkiamara counterparts, Minimilks tend to live hand-in-hand with 'Maras and Droma alike. Whilst most would consider these critters as 'Pets', with their ability to communicate with others at a level similar to a Droma Calf. They are often seen like family, with many that can obtain a Minimilk as a companion calling them a sibling or cousin, even if they happen to be bonded with a Kiamara. Unlike Microkiamaras, Minimilks always look out for danger and tend to overthink situations rather than just take the plunge and worry about consequences later. As such, it's common to find this type of companion bonded to those who are more resolved and more likely to take the safer route in life. In a household, Minimilks are often found lazing about in the sunshine without a care in the world, dreaming of dining on their favourite fruits until the sun goes down.



Kiamara anatomy

Just like the Microkiamara, we can pinpoint where the overall DNA of a Minimlk came from; a specific breed of cattle called The Dexter. With their short stature and smaller-than-average frames, they were the perfect pick alongside some other creatures during the attempt to make the Minimilk. Unlike Dromedaries, these do not have any humps but still have Camelid DNA, suggesting one of the other animals they share DNA with would be the vicuña. Due to them sharing some of the research materials used in creating Microkiamaras, all Minimilks have diamond-shaped spots. 

Minimilks often have very soft, velvety fur that people either love or hate the feeling of. Whilst some may compare it to a fine fabric fit for royalty, the texture can also send shivers up the spines of others. Because of this, many tend to go for the hairless versions within the species as their skin is very soft and smooth; perfect for anyone who dislikes specific textures. Some Minimilks even sport longer hair on their head like their Micro cousins and can style it however they want. It usually grows to the shoulders, but it's also not uncommon to see Minimilks with longer hair. 

Their ears are rather fluffy, often spotting segmented patches of fur that are easily recognisable in the species. The ears have soft cartilage in them, having them often hang on either side of the head and flop around when they run. They also sport a very long neck, much like Vicuña or Llamas. Whilst this has been mentioned as an aesthetic choice from when the species was created, many that are companions to Minimilks notice it also helps with them reaching food and to wrestle with other Minis, which has been shown as a bonding activity.

Minimilks are unable to breed or produce offspring. It's currently unknown as to why, especially where there is such a high amount of the species in Solaria. 


Kiamara anatomy

Minimilks have an average lifespan of around 110 Sol years, with the eldest reaching 134 years of age. Due to there being no means of reproduction within the species, the Cria is the youngest version of a Minimilk that has been found.

STAGE 1: Cria

The Cria stage is shorter compared to the Kitten one Microkiamaras go through with this stage usually ending around 20-22 Sol Years. It's often thought that due to a Minimilk's more careful attitude towards things, they tend to mature more quickly. They tend to simply leave the herd whenever they feel like it, even as a Cria, should the call of the next chapter in their lives get to them.

STAGE 2: Adult

Between the ages of 20 and 75, a Minimilk is considered an adult. Though the temperament and overall personality they had as Cria do not change, they tend to become even more cautious during these years. During the adult stage, their companions often learn how much rest a Minimilk truly needs, with them often wanting to sleep rather than go out on adventures.

STAGE 3: Elderly

After the age of 75, Minimilks are considered Elderly. Unlike most in their golden years, it's during their Elder years that they gain a little bit of energy, often to help other Cria should they come across them and to encourage them to go out on adventures, rather than just sleep all day.