Event Information:

Welcome to the Kiamara MYO Event!
We are making this event not only because it is the month of Kiamara's 11th Birthday, but also due to the very sad news that another ARPG group that many of our fantastic users are a part of is shutting down. Whilst we wanted to celebrate Kiamaras as a species this month, we also have been getting a few messages and questions from users of this other species about bringing their characters into the KiamaraARPG. We aren't affiliated with the other ARPG group, however, we wanted to help those users looking for a new world for their characters should they wish to transfer them into the KiamarasARPG. This event is an event for Solarian and Rift Jumpers who have been here from the beginning, and for those who are only newly falling into this wonderfully chaotic world. We have decided to up the goodies you can get from this event, including adding some rather great items to the General Store and the Shard Bazaar!

Event overview:

This MYO event is a month-long event that will allow you to make a Kiamara that is potentially up to Rare in rarity completely free, regardless of how many Kiamaras or Dromedairy you have in your possession. This event will only be for the Kiamara species, with a Dromedairy MYO event coming in the new year. 

You will start off with being able to make a Common MYO; however, there will be ways you can increase the rarity of your MYO!

Free Common MYO

Everyone starts with the Common MYO! The only thing you have to do to obtain your MYO is create it and follow the rules of the event (listed below).

Once accepted, we will be getting the MYO uploaded within 1-3 days of the MYO being approved by an admin/Moderator.

Free Uncommon MYO

To obtain an Uncommon MYO, all you need to do is advertise the
event with a link to this page on a public/social media account*. 

After that, all you have to do is make your MYO and follow the
rules of the event (listed below) and link the URL of the public
advertisement! As long as the advertisement is valid, your MYO
can have as many Uncommon traits as you wish!

Free Additional 3 Rare Traits

To allow for your Kiamara MYO to not only have
unlimited Uncommon traits but also an additional 3
Rare Traits all you have to do is tag 3 or more users on 
your advertisement!**

After that, all you have to do is make your MYO and follow the rules of the event (listed below) and link the URL of the public advertisement! As long as the advertisement is valid and we can see 3 people tagged, 
you can have 3 rare traits on your MYO.



* Examples of Public/Social Media Accounts: DeviantART/Tumblr/Twitter/Your own personal Discord Servers/etc.

** If you cannot tag on your post or don't feel comfortable doing so, simply mention the names of 3 Kiamaras.com users on your MYO submission post and ask them to confirm and reply to it! Please make sure you ask for their permission first. 



a reward for taking part:

Not only will you obtain a new Kiamara MYO from this event, everyone who takes part in making their own Kiamara MYO from this event and is accepted will obtain a raffle ticket for a Very Rare Stone raffle! This raffle will end 4 days after the end date of the event, to give our wonderful Archivists time to upload all the new Kiamaras to the site. There will be 3 winners for this raffle!

Special Shop Stock:

From now until the final day of the event, we will be adding some rarity items, MYO potions, and the new Infinity Rarity Stones to both the General Store and Shard Bazaar. Not only will they be added, but items other than the Infinity Rarity Stones will be sold at a discounted price, with limits raised, until the end of the event! 

We will be adding a Rare MYO Raffle nearer the end of the event also!

This way, if you want more than one MYO, more traits to be added to those, or just to upgrade your current Kiamaras, now you can!
Here are the items that will be stocked, including their discounted prices and limits in each shop and what their intended price/limits are!

Common MYO Potion

General Store:
Intended Price: 604-icon.png
Intended Limit: 1 per Month

Event Price: 404-icon.png
Event Limit: 3 Per Week

Shard Bazaar:
Intended Price: 10Shards
Intended Limit: 2 Per Month

Event Price: 6Shards
Event Limit: 2 Per Week

Uncommon Stone

General Store:
Intended Price: 404-icon.png
Intended Limit: 2 per week

Event Price: 254-icon.png
Event Limit: 3 Per Week

Shard Bazaar:
Intended Price: 10Shards
Intended Limit: 1 Per Week

Event Price: 5Shards
Event Limit: 2 Per Week

Rare Stone

General Store:
Intended Price: 1004-icon.png
Intended Limit: 1 per week

Event Price: 604-icon.png
Event Limit: 3 Per Week

Shard Bazaar:
Intended Price: 20Shards
Intended Limit: 1 Per Month

Event Price: 13Shards
Event Limit: 3 Per Week


Uncommon Infinity Stone

NEW ITEM: Allows for your Kiamara to have unlimited Uncommon traits at the time of applying. Cannot be used at the same time as other infinity stones. Soulbound item, only obtainable during Kiamara Birthday events. 

General Store:
Intended Price: 1604-icon.png
Intended Limit: 1 per user

Shard Bazaar:
Intended Price: 30Shards
Intended Limit: 1 Per user



Rare Infinity Stone

NEW ITEM: Allows for your Kiamara to have unlimited Rare traits at the time of applying. Cannot be used at the same time as other infinity stones. Soulbound item, only obtainable during Kiamara Birthday events. 

General Store:
Intended Price: 2504-icon.png
Intended Limit: 1 per user

Shard Bazaar:
Intended Price: 55Shards
Intended Limit: 1 Per user

Very Rare Stone Raffle Ticket

NEW ITEM: Grants entry into a raffle for 
a Very Rare Stone! Soulbound. Can only be obtained
once per user

How To Obtain:
Make a free MYO during the event! Every accepted MYO on this post will receive 1 raffle ticket.


Kiamaras 11th Birthday Surprise Box

NEW ITEM: A box that contains some goodies inside as 
a celebration for the anniversary of Kiamaras being around! 
Soulbound. Can only be obtained once per user.

General Store:
Intended Price: Free!
Intended Limit: 1 per user




Participation rules:

1. You must be a member of Kiamaras.com. All Kiamaras.com ToS applies. 
2. You can only have 1 free Kiamara MYO for this event. 
3. For your MYO, you may use either one of these official line sets or custom draw your own MYO. You may not use unofficial line sets that have not been admin approved.
4. You may have someone else to make your MYO entry for you; however please remember to let the designer know of the deadline prior to commissioning. 
5. Kiamaras cannot be based on other characters/IPs not owned by you. This includes things such as Pokemon, Naruto, Sherlock, etc.
6. If you wish to use this event to transfer a character over into Kiamaras from another closed species, please ensure their ToS allow for their characters to be a part of other species. 
7. If you wish to use this event to transfer a character over into Kiamaras that is not part of a closed species, please ensure the ToS of the original designer allows for their designs to be transferred into a closed species group. 
8. You have until 11:59PM on the 18th of September server time to have your post posted. Any past this time will not count and will be disqualified. 
9. If you submit your Kiamara design but the design itself needs edits, as long as the original was posted before the deadline in point 8, we will help you correct anything needed and still accept the Kiamara after changes are met as long as the changes are done within 3 days of receiving feedback after the deadline. If there are issues staff-side that cause us to extend the waiting period of you receiving feedback/getting your character approved, we will let you know and extend the time needed. 
10. There will be a maximum of a 3-day wait for your Kiamara to be approved by a member of the admin team. After approval, you will receive the Very Rare Stone Raffle Ticket. Your Kiamara will then be uploaded to the site 1-3 days after submission by a member of the archivist team. 
11. All items that are reduced or added for the event in the General Store/Shard Bazaar will be removed at the same time as the event finished.

How To Enter and Form:

To enter this event, all you need to do is fill out the form listed and comment on this page at the bottom with a completed form!
A member of staff will let you know within 3 days whether it's accepted, or if any changes are needed on the MYO itself or the form to help you get your newest member of your Kiamara family to be able to come home as soon as possible!

Kiamara MYO Event Form:

Link to MYO Reference:
(please provide a link only)
Kiamara Trait List: (Add all traits that this Kiamara has)
Advertisement Link: (Only needed if you wish to upgrade to an Uncommon MYO)
Tagging 3 Users: (Let us know if it is on the advertisement, or name 3 users on Kiamaras.com who will reply to your form below.)


Any questions or concerns?:

Feel free to message in the #Questions and Concerns channel on our Discord Server, or to send in an anonymous question or concern to the Q&C Box!


Miavinn Avatar

Username: Miavinn

Link to MYO Reference: https://sta.sh/011fgihkgepr
designer is rah-t on DA, perms: https://sta.sh/01ay10khbre6
I did the transfer
Previous ref: https://sta.sh/0135w5s0eo2i
TH: https://toyhou.se/2958559.darcy
Kiamara Trait List: 
VR glowing eyes (lampyre eye potion)
VR non-tapered tail (VR stone)
R long fur
R longer ears
R hair tuft
UC mane down back
UC longer claws
UC directional ears
UC larger canines
UC larger horns
UC multicolored eyes (colored sclera, lighter pupil)
UC longer tail
UC shorter fur 

Advertisement Link: https://www.deviantart.com/northernrider/status-update/Kiamara-Anniversary-MYO-Event-978795804
Tagging 3 Users: in advert!

2023-08-31 19:55:08 (Edited 2023-09-03 12:34:50)

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member

Hey there, most of this looks good I just want to clarify one thing though. You have R Long Fur and UC Shorter Fur listed as traits. The R Long Fur does look like it's valid but UC Shorter Fur doesn't.

I just want to check if the UC Shorter Fur was accidentally listed or if it was intentional before sending this off to the archive team.

2023-09-11 09:16:03

Miavinn Avatar

Oversight on my part! Thank you : )

2023-09-11 12:10:40

Fooxlyness Avatar

Username: Fooxlyness
Link to MYO Reference: https://sta.sh/02dlvd9vw36q
Kiamara Trait List:
R: Longer Hair
R: Shaped Paw pads
UC: slightly longer ears
UC: Multicolored eyes
UC: Colored Sclera
C: Horns (Bulb)
C: Shaped Tongue
Advertisement Link: https://www.deviantart.com/fooxlyness/journal/Kias-Birthday-event-979880267
Tagging 3 Users: in advertisement (if i could get the last R stone in my bank that would be amazing)

2023-08-31 02:20:09

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member

Hey there, have one small change that needs to be made before this can be approved!

The hair actually goes a touch into Very Rare length instead of being Rare. I've circled the bit that goes over for you!


It's not much but would need to be shortened just a touch. Once that's done it can be approved c:

2023-09-11 09:06:15

Fooxlyness Avatar

here you are

2023-09-11 18:47:59

pyrokiinesis Avatar

Username: pyrokiinesis
Link to MYO reference: https://sta.sh/017w4mmqdd9k
Trait List:
-muzzle variant (aquiline) Common
-unihorn Uncommon
-fluffier ears Uncommon
-heterochromia Uncommon
-shaped paw pad Rare
-horse tail Rare
-longer hair Rare
Advertisement Link: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1440767.kiamara-myo-event-cs
Tagged Users: (in advertisement!)

2023-08-31 00:46:50 (Edited 2023-08-31 00:47:52)

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member

Hey there, have a few things that need to be updated for your kiddo to be approved.

First is easiest and simple just needs to be noted that they also have Uncommon Slightly Larger Horns and Uncommon Slightly Larger Ears as a trait. So nothing too crazy just needs to be added to the trait list!

Secondly is the tail. While you have it listed as Rare Horse Tail it currently reads more as Very Rare Bob Tail. For it to pass for Horse Tail it needs to look more like hair instead of fur. Some examples of that can be seen on these kias: https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Km-1228 & https://www.kiamaras.com/character/Kn-2320

If you need I can sketch up an example on the ref you provided to help?

2023-09-11 08:52:40

pyrokiinesis Avatar

Thank you for all the clarification! Is this any better/more true to the trait description? https://sta.sh/0a4ewpnea96 If not I would very much appreciate it if you could add an example guide to the ref :0

2023-09-11 13:58:52

Aktori Avatar

Username:  Aktori
Link to MYO Reference:  https://sta.sh/0tdiqlkkgnn
Kiamara Trait List: 
- Shaped paw pads
- Shaped pupils
- multicoloured eyes
-multi placed Sparkle (body, hair)
- Larger canines
- longer claws

Advertisement Link:  https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/1439655.kia-anniversary-myo-event
Tagging 3 Users: on advertisement

Was a JBD, original design by therainyfrog@DA

2023-08-30 07:35:56

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member

Hey love, there's one small change that needs to be made before this can be approved. For shaped pupils it looks like on the actual ref that the pupils are still basic circles. If that could be updated to slightly more resemble the star shape to make the eye ref that'd be perfect!!

Also, can you link the original ref (the jbd one) so that we can have that linked to the upload of this kiddo?

2023-09-11 08:43:01

Aktori Avatar

Aychemex Avatar

Username: Aychemex
Link to MYO Reference: https://sta.sh/01qslw0tuh3r (This is a transfer for my JBD Edge - was designed by myself https://www.deviantart.com/aychemex/art/JBD-Edge-978619076)
Kiamara Trait List:
Slightly Longer Hair Uncommon
Longer Mane Down Back Uncommon
Slightly Larger Ears Uncommon
Single Placed Sparkle Uncommon
Fluffy Ears Uncommon
Larger Horns Rare
No Pupils Rare
Long Fur Rare
Advertisement Link: https://sta.sh/01qikc2c8fag (personal discord server)
Tagging 3 Users: Tagged in the add.

2023-08-29 22:34:17

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member

This all looks good!
Gonna throw this at the archivists to get uploaded c:

2023-09-11 08:35:46

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