Detecting Delights
Reef and Dora make their way down to the sandy beaches of Crestport having arrived late yesterday, the two were ready to begin their time away from home. It wouldn't seem like much but the amount of help Gus had been needing to locate his lost cookies had been far more than usual for Reef and they couldn't wait to return to their time of not getting trapped into helping out every time they left home.
Reef had brought a metal detector to search for hidden items under the shifting sands, to keep their mind a little engaged. They hoped to locate an object they might need to research a bit more when they got home, but also knew it was a bit of a high hope.
Dora trotted along next to her Kiamara looking up at them eagerly. Only occasionally did she get distracted by a shell or small critter and lag behind.
The two worked together as a perfect team, Reef carried around the metal detector scanning the sands while Dora listened for the beeps signaling an item hidden below to dig up.
They didn't have much luck at first, mostly finding bottle caps, empty cans, and lost sunglasses. Once they had made it to a part of the beach that looked like not many people went to Reef hoped that they would find something interesting.
The Metal Detector started beeping like crazy a few steps into this stretch of the beep and Dora quickly sprang into action digging a quick whole and returning the item to Reef. This item excited the blue Kiamara, it was round and shiny maybe some sort of lost coin! No Reef should have known better by now, when they looked closely at the item they could tell it was covered in aluminum foil. Upon opening the foil Reef quickly chucked the Sun Cookie into the waves exclaiming, "No! Not here! Not now!"
It took them a moment and a few deep breaths before looking at Dora and asking, "Shall we keep trying?"
Dora gave some excited chirps in response and tugged on the end of the metal detector as if to say 'Lets get a move on!'
The pair had only taken two more steps when the detector went off again, it's odd that something would be so close by. Dora did her digging and returned the item to her Kiamara who only sighed and put the aluminum foil covered cookie in their bag.
Reef accepted defeat that they couldn't escape the cookies, at least not on land and began collecting the ones they found every few steps on this beach not sure if Gus would want the cookies in a couple of days when they are a bit old.
New Dawn 2022 Sun Cookie Prompt
Submitted By Muddchi
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago