Trail of Cookies
Reef and Dora slip away from Gus's stall as a crowd quickly gathers at the sight of the cookies the pair had returned. The Kiamara and Lampyre wanted nothing to do with the loud and pushy group of festival goers.
The Blue Kiamara and their buddy began making their way away from the festivities when a yellow sparkle catches their eyes.
"I swear," Reef says to Dora as she runs to the sun cookie and holds it up towards her Kiamara.
"Yes, good job, but you can't eat this one." They said with a kind and proud smile before taking the Sun cookie offered to them, "Keep your eye out if you see more, I haven't found just one of these so far."
Dora gave a quick nod as the pair continued down their original path and before long yet again she spots another sun cookie and quickly grabs it to give to Reef.
They grab the cookie giving their Lampyre friend a good job before the continue on.
Now it seemed like every two steps Dora and Reef stumbled across a cookie, the two noticed a trail leading off from their original path and the two decided to follow it collecting the Sun Cookies as they went. It didn't take long for them to end up back behind Gus's stall with the cookies leading straight to their robot friend.
New Dawn 2022 Sun Cookie Prompt
Submitted By Muddchi
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago