The Great Cookie Mystery
Rainier woke to a thump and a yelp escaped her as she landed on the floor next to her bed missing the pile of pillows and blankets she had kicked off in the night by nearly an inch. "Mother fluffing butter nutter balls," she grumbled cursing her sleeping self for not having the ability to keep her comfort items closer to the bed when she kicks or throws them off it, and for the lack of ability in keeping her on the bed either. Pushing herself off the ground her paw lands on something crumbly and sticky, she let out another yelp before calming down to assess the damage of her paw and what she had put it in. Standing in the pile of her blankets she spots a small, pile of crumbs and some yellow... lets hope its icing rubbed into the rug. "Really? Did I fall asleep eating cookies in bed? I never eat cookies in bed," Rainier scolded herself as she grabbed the trash can that was under her desk to clean up the mess she had made by falling awake. The Mess cleaned she nodded her head content with her clean up with her paws only before turning to return the trash to its rightful place when she spotted another 0ne of the lone cookies. "Weird..." She says to herself as she makes her way back to her desk and brushes the full spiral yellow cookie into the trash can as well not wanting to even know where they are coming from because she had never seen these cookies before. She quickly put all her pillows and blankets back on her bed made nice and neat before going into her bathroom to shower. She had started the water without moving the curtain letting it warm up before jumping in, as she moved the curtain she felt something fall and bounce off her head into the bottom of the tub. "I Swear to whatever higher being there is if that is ANOTHER Fluffing cookie I'm going to lose my mind." She nearly shouted to who knows what that is in her small apartment apparently storing cookies around. It was in fact another cookie. Rainier fumed as her calming shower quickly became an annoyance than a pleasure. She rushed through her routine ready to be done with the cookie cursed place. More curses left the females mouth when she went to dry her hair and her hair drier showered her in cookie crumbs. Ready to leave her no longer safe haven Rainier stalked her way towards her front door when she glanced into her kitchen spotting the gremlin that was laying the cookie traps across her home. A rat was dragging another cookie into her fruit bowl before curling up with it and munching on it happily. Next to the rat was some how a small box of cookies she had never seen before. "Now you," she started beginning to storm to where the rat was with its cookie that there was a knock at her door. Groaning she abandoned her quest for the rat to answer the being that was insisting she opened her door. Behind the door was a Robot that greeted her with a "Gus! gusgus gus gus gus" and barged their way through the open door. The robot made quick work of its task in her home by finding the box of cookies and making his way back out with a jolly and gleeful "GUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuusssssss" as it left as quickly as it showed up. "What. The. Heck" Rainier said to herself, and well also the rat who now sat there grumpily that its snack had been taken. With the mystery of the cookies solved she couldn't help but look at the rat and soften a bit more, "Well, I guess you live here now too. Just... no hiding cookies everywhere please? I'll make you a good home here in a little bit."
New Dawn 2022 Sun Cookie Prompt
Submitted By Muddchi
Submitted: 3 years ago ・
Last Updated: 3 years ago