Comments on Kiamara MYO Event August 2023

karmaloco Avatar

Oh I hope this works

Username: Karmaloco
Link to MYO Reference:
Kiamara Trait List: R hair
R Fur
R ear length
UC fluffy ears
UC uni horn
UC horn length
UC long claws
UC multicolor eyes
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2023-09-20 07:55:23

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member


Will get this sent over to the archive team!

2023-09-21 03:19:05

karmaloco Avatar

Aaaaa ty shade!!

2023-09-21 04:24:56

karmaloco Avatar

Character has a JBD reference too!
It’s listed on the stash in the comments and in the description

2023-09-20 07:57:07 (Edited 2023-09-20 08:05:03)