Comments on Kiamara MYO Event August 2023

LumosElm Avatar

Username: LumosElm
Link to MYO Reference:
Kiamara Trait List: all common
Tagging 3 Users: @ravemn @smamm (idk a third ; ;)

2023-09-20 07:13:25

Shade Avatar
Shade Staff Member

Hey there, right now it looks like this kia has no hair on its head which is a VR trait called Baldness. They would need to have some sort of defined hair on their head (even if it's short like a buzzcut) so that it's not confused for VR Bald.

2023-09-21 03:12:09

LumosElm Avatar

Am I still able to submit the edit? Or is it too late? I got pretty busy and this slipped my mind

2023-09-26 01:18:21

LumosElm Avatar

Ok! I'll adjust it tonight when I get home from work :D

2023-09-21 18:16:19