NPC-0008: Joseph

Owned by SolarianNPCs
A kind and caring youngling, Joeseph runs the Shard Bazaar for lis mother in hope to prove limself worthy for lis feather trial!





Joseph is what every parent would love in an ideal Kit. Cheeky, loving, and well-behaved. Even in childhood, Joey would often be found asking if anyone would need help with anything, and if they did le would happily do it for them. Growing up was a confusing time for Joey as le only had one parent who often wasn't home, not out of neglect, but out of having to provide for lim. Le doesn't hold any grudges, however, the time alone had worn on Lim and now le has a case of Anxiety. Natalia is always supportive of her 'Chicken' and is always trying to find ways to help lim with lis mental health. She has put Joseph in charge of the Shard Bazaar in hopes of helping lim gain a bit of confidence so le can prove limself to get lis feathers; after all, it's not just the physical monsters you have to defeat to show how brave you are, and she knew this was a very big monster for lim to defeat.