Kn-447: Kyuda Krauss

Owned by sixbane

A quiet girl who always seems to be one step ahead of the things around her, solemn and thoughtful since birth, it always seemed as if she understood something about the world others did not, having a very existential form of thought it was easy for her to grasp very deep and open subjects others find overwhelming. Because of this, she is a master of philosophy and the science of possibility. Like her mother she is rather opposed to company as she has a debilitating fear that she will never truly be understood and that others do not think as she does, a loneliness that she can scream into the abyss and never receive a response that truly understands her words. It is certainly too much for her mother, or for her father to really understand as they are both very logical and numerical thinkers rather than the open ended questions of " why are we here"

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