Kn-2426: Lillith

Owned by Masquii
Image #11358
Body Types:
Physical Ailment (Common) (Dusk Cookie Used; Must add traits before Kia can be used again)
Build Variant (Common) (chubbier)
Fur Types:
Textured Fur (Uncommon) (Tufted; Dusk Cookie; No Change)
Long Fur (Rare) (Dusk Cookie; Long Claws -> Long Fur)
Tail Types:
Terrestrial Mammal Tail (Very Rare) (Dusk Cookie; Smaller Size -> terrestrial Tail)
Tail Length Variant (Uncommon) (Longer; Dusk Cookie; No Change)
Eye Types:
Shaped Pupil (Uncommon) (X's; Dusk Cookie; No Change)
No Iris (Rare) (Dusk Cookie; Glowing Eyes -> No Iris)
Heterochromia (Uncommon) (Dusk Cookie; Larger Canines -> Heterochromia)
Ear Types:
Mammalian Ears (Rare) (Fennec Fox; Dusk Cookie; No Change)
Claws and Paws:
Shaped Paw Pads (Rare) (Dusk Cookie; Lighter Pupil -> Shaped Paw Pads)
Metal Claws (Rare) (Dusk Cookie; No Change)
Body Modifications:
Multi-Placed Sparkle (Rare) (Hair, Paws, Eyes; Dusk Cookie; No Change)
Scale Patches (Very Rare) (Dusk Cookie; Head-Rump Mane ->Scales)
No feathers listed.
Uploaded: 1 year ago
Last Edited: 1 year ago

Necromancy Buff:
75% chance of obtaining a G'Mas Biscuit Tin from any non-job Standard quest entry.

If submitting an Enhanced quest entry, this roll will be done twice, giving you the chance of obtaining x2 G'Mas Biscuit Tin. 

Kiamara Emotive Chaos Buff:
On top of the standard mutation roll, each offspring can have a guaranteed mutation should the parent's owners wish for them. 

Each kit can have up to 6 Mutatos/Mutato Potions rolled instead of 5.

During breedings with Kiamaras with this power, a single Mutato/Mutato Potion affects all offspring rather than just affecting one kit per item.

Breedings on SwAC slots with Kiamaras with this trait have the twin rate increased to 30%.

Kiamara Transmutation Buff:
Allows for your Kiamara to be drawn as another animal species (Non-Kia/Dromedairy) in quest prompts. Must be recognisable as the character.

Offspring have a 5% Chance of rolling an Alternate Form.

+5 chance of the Alternate Form trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait. In the case either parent has more than one alternate form, this buff only applies to one of the alt forms. 

5% chance any Kiamara that breeds with this Kiamara will gain the Transmutation power, mates are guaranteed to obtain the trait.

+5 chance of the Non-Tapered Tail trait being passed in breedings even if neither parent has the trait.

2 November 2023, 22:21:53 UTC

Can be gifted
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