Kn-2345: > Transfer to Chim

Owned by Chimericect
Image #10676

Kiamara Transmutation Buff:
Allows for your Kiamara to be drawn as another animal species (Non-Kia/Dromedairy) in quest prompts. Must be recognisable as the character.

Offspring have a 5% Chance of rolling an Alternate Form.

+5 chance of the Alternate Form trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait. In the case either parent has more than one alternate form, this buff only applies to one of the alt forms. 

5% chance any Kiamara that breeds with this Kiamara will gain the Transmutation power, mates are guaranteed to obtain the trait.

+5 chance of the Non-Tapered Tail trait being passed in breedings even if neither parent has the trait.

