
Owned by Chillyskies
Image #9995

Hands of Fate Buff:
Grants 3 extra rolls in all Chef, Engineers, and Manahunters guild quests from the 1st-7th of every month.

Grants 2 additional roll in all Event quests have a standard requirement of at least 200 words/a bust from the 8th-13th every month.

Grants 1 additional roll in all Job quests from the 14th-27th of each month.

Electrify Buff:
50% chance of finding crafted Manahunting items as an extra roll in any guild quest.

7% chance of the Noodle trait being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+7 chance of the Noodle trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

