Kn-1007: Luknė Brieuc

Owned by Midnight_Tails

Luknė (no translation but there's a river with that same name) Lithuanian name. Pronounciation: decent guide. Only thing I would say is that E is actually more like A in At. ė sound pronounced? 1. It’s pronounced “eh” like in deaf. 2. I would say ė is more like "ai" in chair. Stubborn and really upstanding; believes loyalty and faith will trump all etc. Used to be quite devout, voluntarily celibate and such (aka a monk/paladin so to speak) with the belief that his goddess would lead him to victory always and forever, and for a while this was true. A warrior of the stave in particular, can use several other weapons very well though. Ex-High Commander of his country's main army. Used to be really prideful as well, for good reason to be fair, as he truly never lost, but has lost his fire due to... circumstances he doesn't like talking about. Fallen warrior so to speak. Essentially was betrayed by his people, his brothers in arms and his country and faith. Tortured over extended period of time and only held out due to his stubborn will. Gets tossed out and abandoned in the desert nearby the citadel, was punished very unfairly for something he did not do in order to cover up the country's corruption that he'd stumbled upon via saving a street urchin. Essentially country is involved in lots of slave trading among other things. Goes through a paradigm shift during all this (especially during being tortured and immediately after in the desert). Urchin he saved ends up leading the uprising of the whole nation, taking back the country for the people, and he gets tortured by his fellows for saving that child, as well as them thinking he was with the kid's forces. Meanwhile the country is losing the war, and everything is chaos, so they end up thinking he's useless for information and just dump him out in the desert to die of dehydration or his wounds, either way they didn't care. Would've perished in the desert due to all his injuries, long term abuse from his captors, and malnutrition, except as luck would have it as he's cursing everything including the goddess he worshipped, slips through a tear in time and space out in the desert, mortally wounded and almost dead. Turns out he slipped through into another universe, specifically into the fae world of said universe. Meets his goddess who turns out to be the fae queen.

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