Km-953: ' Dodge

Owned by Shade
Image #10013

This Kiamara is soulbound to User @Free-Shade. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted. 

This Kiamara is best friends with Km-496. Prompts that depict this Kia and their friend can now be used for both Kia’s prompt entries.

This Kiamara is companion bonded to Mk-001.

This Kiamara is companion bonded to MM-010.

Passive Buffs:

Soulbound Adventurer:
7% chance for the character to obtain a small amount of currency from all quests

Chef: Every quest has a 45% chance to roll for a random reagent bag.

Treasure Hunter: Grants the character a 35% chance of finding imitation metal items, or the metal ores themselves. 

Mimic Hunter: Every quest has a 50% chance of dropping a Companion Cage (Mimic Hunter)

45% Chance at gaining additional Salvaging Items from all quests.

The Fantastic Feathered Friend
Grants a 50% chance of obtaining 'The Fantastic Feathered Box' from any quest.

Ordering the Chaos: +10 to Uncommon traits this character can pass on in breedings.
+5 to Rare traits this character can pass on in breedings.
+3 to Very Rare traits this character can pass on in breedings.


Power Buffs:

Fire Manipulation: 35% Chance of finding a crafted cooking item from any Guild Quest.

Flash Freeze Buff:
25% chance of obtaining a random crafted engineering item from guild quests

Sparks Summoner Buff:
26% Chance of finding a crafted manahunting item from using this buff in any Guild Quest.

Hands of Fate: Grants 3 extra rolls in all Chef, Engineers, and Manahunters guild quests from the 1st-7th of every month.

Grants 2 additional roll in all Event quests have a standard requirement of at least 200 words/a bust from the 8th-13th every month.

Grants 1 additional roll in all Job quests from the 14th-27th of each month.

Fire Blast: 55% chance of finding crafted cooking items in any guild quest.

7% chance of the Extremely Long Hair trait being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+7 chance of the Extremely Long Hair trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

Sub Zero: 50% chance of a random crafted engineering item as an extra roll in any guild quest

Gives offspring a 10% Chance of obtaining the Glowing Marking Trait

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Glowing Marking Trait if either parent has the trait.

Gives offspring a 10% Chance of obtaining the Fullbody Colour Changing Trait

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Fullbody Colour Changing Trait if either parent has the trait.

Electrify: 50% chance of finding crafted Manahunting items as an extra roll in any guild quest.

7% chance of the Noodle trait being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+7 chance of the Noodle trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

Other Buffs:

"Nature's Blessing": Grants a +5 chance of all offspring obtaining the Living Horns trait during breedings. This works on top of the +25 limit if used with other items/buffs.

Grants a 1% chance of offspring obtaining the Living Hair trait if used in SwAC breedings.


Apprentice Robes
Rogue Armour
Mage Armour
Scarecrow Outfit
Vampire Outfit
Warrior Armour
Wizard Outfit

15 April 2022, 02:08:50 UTC

Cannot be gifted
Cannot be traded
Cannot be sold
Sale Value