Km-946: Frog 🪶 ❤️
Owned by Rexos-Isle
Frog is a rather mysterious type of 'Mara. A rift jumper who got caught in a freeze of time in her home plane which caused her to phase into an entirely unknown reality, she is constantly on the search for a way back home to her husband and her daughter.
An artist by trade and an aspirant writer, she has barely any skills to help her survive Solaria and seems to have been able to waltz through most of the current events based on pure luck rather than skill.
- Her two cats, Slime and Tobias.
- Ice cream, specifically Cookie Dough.
- Friendelion and Burdock, Cream Soda, and Limeade.
- The idea of reading a book.
- Retrospectives on popular media from the rifts.
- Making silly little characters.
- Dinosaurs.
- Chicken Katsu curry.
- Mash Potato and Vinegar sandwiches.
- Just... Just trust her on this one. She promises it's good.
- People who talk behind her back; she'd much rather deal with it.
- Uncertainty.
- Cleaning dirty dishes.
- Use-by dates.
- Peanuts.
- Sleeping too much and missing most of her day.
- Exercising, even though she knows she should.
- Chasing after her cats.
- Reading books that take too long to get into.
- Family drama.
Associated Collectibles:
Gift art is allowed
Gift writing is allowed