Km-884: ✦ Hecate •••

Owned by Chillyskies
Image #4838


This Kiamara is soulbound to User Chillyskies. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted. +3 to all breeding rolls for all passable traits this Kiamara has.


This Kiamara is best friends with KM-287. Prompts that depict this Kia and their friend can now be used for both Kia’s prompt entries.

Hands of Fate: Grants 4 extra rolls in all Chef, Engineers, and Manahunters guild quests.
Grants 2 additional roll in all Event rolls.
Grants 1 additional roll in Job quests.

Satellite Manipulation: 3 extra rolls for all non-Job quests entered during a full moon.
1 extra roll during for all non-job other moon phases.

Mimic Hunter: Every quest has a 50% chance of dropping a Companion Cage (Mimic Hunter)

Treasure Hunter: Grants the character a 35% chance of finding imitation metal items, or the metal ores themselves. 

Chef: Every quest has a 45% chance to roll for a random reagent bag.

30 December 2021, 21:54:13 UTC

Cannot be gifted
Cannot be traded
Cannot be sold
Sale Value