Km-772: Elysia - ⭐✧🐾

Owned by VastIcescape
Image #10424

This kiamara was originally from a closed species called makoatls before being removed and brought into the kiamara species. Both designs must be owned by the same person.


This Kiamara is companion bonded to Mk-013.


This Kiamara is soulbound to User VastIcescape. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted.

Soulbound Bloodline: Grants a +3 to all traits passable by this character during breedings. 

Translator Buff:
20% chance of rolling a Translator's Gift in any Non-Job Quest.

The Fantastic Feathered Friend
Grants a 50% chance of obtaining 'The Fantastic Feathered Box' from any quest.

30 December 2021, 18:02:34 UTC

Cannot be gifted
Cannot be traded
Cannot be sold
Sale Value