Km-694: Rabid Rainbow Sparkle

Owned by moonpaw89

A scene girl and raver who loves to DJ! x3 She makes kandi and brings glow sticks to every event! She cares a lot about raving safety, reinforcing safe rave mosh pits and their boundaries! She won't hesitate to put a stop to the music and call someone out all the way up from the booth if they're being an ass. She also makes sure to always carry earbuds to hand out prior to raves to protect people from hearing damage! She also always covers the cost of 4-5 cases of water to bring to the rave as well to try to help people stay hydrated! At home in her down time she loves to game and work out! She hopes one day to get piercings to add even more to her awesomeness!!!!

  • Gift art is allowed