Km-496: ' Bonnie

Owned by Shade
Image #8014

This Kiamara is soulbound to User Free-Shade. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted. 
Soulbound Adventurer:
7% chance for the character to obtain a small amount of currency from all quests

This Kiamara is best friends with Km-953. Prompts that depict this Kia and their friend can now be used for both Kia’s prompt entries.

This Kiamara is companion bonded to Mk-0178.

This Kiamara is companion bonded to MM-009.

Every quest has a 45% chance to roll for a random reagent bag.

Mimic Hunter:
Every quest has a 50% chance of dropping a Companion Cage (Mimic Hunter)

Treasure Hunter:
Grants the character a 35% chance of finding imitation metal items, or the metal ores themselves. 

45% Chance at gaining additional Salvaging Items from all quests.

Fire Manipulation: 35% Chance of finding a crafted cooking item from any Guild Quest.

Flash Freeze Buff:
25% chance of obtaining a random crafted engineering item from guild quests

Sparks Summoner Buff:
26% Chance of finding a crafted manahunting item from using this buff in any Guild Quest.

The Fantastic Feathered Friend
Grants a 50% chance of obtaining 'The Fantastic Feathered Box' from any quest.

Ordering the Chaos:
+10 to Uncommon traits this character can pass on in breedings.
+5 to Rare traits this character can pass on in breedings.
+3 to Very Rare traits this character can pass on in breedings.



Apprentice Robes
Mage Armour

30 December 2021, 06:58:42 UTC

Cannot be gifted
Cannot be traded
Cannot be sold
Sale Value