Km-317: Drayce

Owned by sixbane

At a young age Drayce was taken from his home and shipped to the city to be utilized as a weapon by a high end mob boss seeking to train a young strong boy how to be a hitman for his own devious purposes. Drayce was raised to be a fighter, a ruthless soldier, and his unique abilities and form make him very dangerous to those he doesn't like or has a contract to hurt. However, he hates his boss and does everything possible to go against his plans- pushing every boundary he can in an effort to create his own identity that was ripped away from him at an early age. He couldn't kill him- for fear of ending up like the others he himself is sent to 'reprimand'. He is cold, solemn, and typically seems rather agitated and annoyed at most people who address him. He isn't above crime to get what he wants when he wants it, though under his hard shell he desperately tries to understand his morals and wants to become a better person for fear of being just what others forced him to be. 

He was paraded around like a secret weapon most of his life, and occasionally has a superiority complex around others he deems lower or less skilled than him. He isn't easily intimidated- even to the point of foolishness. Despite this, he does highly enjoy art and creative expression =despite being unable to grasp creating things himself- and its this enjoyment that leads him to meet and fall in love with Sinthia, a street artist who he finds fascinating and who helps him discover himself under the thick layer that was built up over the years. 

His dream is to take out the boss who had him ripped from his home, and  to one day find where he came from and try to live a normal life there,  putting his past behind him in a place he'll feel he can fit in; or to find  a real 'home' that isn't people trying to manipulate him. Though people among his bosses gang and crime ring try consistently to force him to do their bidding/fool him into it, he's actually extremely cunning and always ahead of them. Does it because it suits him and his end game; but he'll quickly turn on those  who don't play by his rules. Though rather bitter on the surface as long as you stay out of his way and don't antagonize him you should be fine.


  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed