Km-163: Pheynix
"Misfortune's Harbinger"
Dwells in a small hovel out in the middle of the woods by a small village.
Many a tall tale has sprung up, especially geared towards young Kits, that if they heard eerie singing and strayed too close the Witch in the Woods would snatch them up.
Is the actual inheritor of the Ill Omen that came from the Blood Moon that Azir was born under.
What does a mother do when she knows her child is due under the red light of the Blood Moon? Knowing that her people would claim her beloved was a sign of bad things to come, a sign of Ill Omen? These are the thoughts that haunted Pheynix's mother as she slipped away into the dead of that night to bring her child into the world in secret. Somewhere, elsewhere in the village she could hear the cries of another mother facing the same fate as herself - two children born under that accursed moon, though hers would never come to know the judgement of the village nor the scorn of the Elders.
Pheynix's upbringing was unremarkable, on account of his mother's carefully sewn lies that he had come into the world the morning after the Blood Moon had sunk from the sky. They grew up with the other children, lived an ordinary life, all the while harbouring a Gift that another child was being accused of having. During his teen years he could feel a shift within him, some untapped power that ached for freedom and yet they knew the consequences of their people finding this out and so they left... striking out on their own with whatever they could carry. For years they wandered, learned of the world, learned of their power bestowed upon them by the Blood Moon - a portent of chaos brought forth with just the sound of their voice.
Soon they found themselves settling down in a small cabin deep in the woods that grew near a small town, a place where they could easily gather the supplies they needed to live. Over time the people there would come to grow wary of the "Witch in the Woods" or the songs that wove through the trees that could send even the most pacifistic person into a violent rage or lull even the most alert into a deep, dreamless sleep. While he has yet to learn the full extent of the power he has, Pheynix is no stranger to giving into his desires - for good or for evil.
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