Km-1541: Mr.x/ Unknow

Owned by ilya

.--He calls himself MrX. Nickname: "The Nightmare"
✦: In a dimly lit corner of a forgotten city, where the fog clings to the cobblestones and the shadows seem to whisper secrets, there exists a figure known only as "The Nightmare." Few have seen him in person, and those who have struggled to recall any defining features. They speak of a person shrouded in an ancient, dark cloak, the hood always drawn up to obscure the face. Some say the cloak is so worn and faded that it seems to merge with the night itself, making him appear more specter than human.

He calls himself "MrX"—though those who speak of him often whisper another name: "The Nightmare." His true name is unknown, perhaps even to himself, and his presence is as elusive as a shadow slipping through the cracks of reality. MrX's own memories remain a mystery. He seems to have no past, no history, only an endless present filled with the memories of others. Some say he once made a pact to forget his own life in exchange for the power to control the Waking Dream. Others believe he is a manifestation of the dreamscape itself, a being born from the collective unconscious. But the truth is known only to him.

MrX lives in a narrow, unassuming apartment above an ancient bookstore that few have the nerve to enter. The shop is a relic from another time, its wooden shelves lined with dusty volumes that speak of forgotten lore and forbidden knowledge. But the true secrets are hidden elsewhere, far from prying eyes, in a realm that only MrX can access.

MrX's job is unlike any other, a task so unusual and mysterious that it defies easy explanation. He is a "Memory Broker" and "Archivist," but not in the traditional sense. He deals in memories and knowledge, but his process is far more arcane, more dangerous.

Clients come with burdens too heavy to bear, memories that gnaw at their sanity. They find him not by directions or addresses but by following a sense, a pull, as if their very minds are drawn to his presence. MrX never meets his clients in the physical world. Instead, he brings them into a place he calls "The Waking Dream." People seek to forget their memories.

The Waking Dream is a realm that exists between sleep and reality, a twilight world where the laws of time and space bend, where thoughts and memories become tangible. MrX guides his clients into this realm, using a series of intricate rituals known only to him. It begins with a single word, whispered into the client's ear, a word that unravels their consciousness like a spool of thread. As they drift into a trance, their surroundings fade, and they find themselves in a dreamscape of MrX's design. And just like a nightmare, people will wake up and forget what happened.

He remains an enigma wrapped in the shadows of the mind, forever unseen yet ever present.

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