Km-1455: Oberyx ♥❊❄
Owned by NARANDA
Image #11864

Eiko (Oberyx)

Yavor (Oberyx)

Kako (Oberyx)

Last Edited: 1 year ago
Has an alt form as a fox, both forms must be owned by the same user at all times
This Kiamara is soulbound to User NARANDA. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted.
Soulbound Adventurer: 7% chance for the character to obtain a small amount of currency from all quests
This Kiamara is best friends with KM-1317. Prompts that depict this Kia and their friend can now be used for both Kia’s prompt entries.
This Kiamara is mated to KM-1317. They may not breed with any other Kiamara without an item. +5 to all breeding rolls between the two.
Deep Connection: When used in a quest, the user will gain a 5% chance to obtain either an Offering of Love or a Fling Trinket. Does have additional requirements.