Km-1164: Baptiste

Owned by Pachirisupaw

While at first glance Baptiste may seem relaxed and overly confident, it's all a front. He can be frequently seen with a lackadasisical grin, always seemingly unfazed, and looking for an excuse to throw out cheeky one liners and flirtatious compliments. Baptiste is a lot more observent and capable than he lets on. He grew up in a war torn world where he lost his parents, thus ended up joining an organization that reached out to help him and others like him. Little did he know that the Suits were not the benevolent saviors he'd hoped for. But that was his own fault for accepting the first hand the reached out to help. But during desperate times beggars can't be choosers. Now stuck working for a group that did more harm than good, Baptiste had to learn and adapt to his new environment.

And adapt he did. He learned not only how to defend himself but how to make use of the tools left abandoned in desolate places to craft devices that would eventually help him to escape. But it would not be for years before he had the chance to make a move. Security is always tight, someone was always watching but there were gaps in the system. A few well placed explosvies here and there, a corrupted camera or two and he was out. His freedom would be short lived as he knew that they would be after him before he could make any real progress. And not only that they would continue to hunt him down until he was caught. Dead or alive. But as luck would have it Baptiste found his way in a world far stranger than his own. A world where he could truly be free to live without constantly looking over his shoulder for threats. A place where he wouldn't be forced to harm others but could help them.

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