Km-1149: ♥❊❄ Xiulan

Owned by NARANDA

Xiulan may come off as dark and mysterious, but that is only because of where he is from and his dark colors. Truly he is a kind soul with a heart of gold that wants nothing more than to help and protect his people. Graceful, regal, and determined. Almost everything he does with with a calm and quiet demenor, moving gracefully and never giving up until the task is done. Despite looking quite serious, he is a gentle and kind creature who does enjoys helping others, and actually fairly good at being comforting and supportive. As a prince he led a fairly sheltered life from the curse currently suffocating Sikar, but not completely oblivious or protected from it. An intelligent and well-read soul, he has dedicated his life to studying curses in an attempt to stop the curse plaguing Sikar. He wants nothing more than to bring peace to the land. Loyal to a fault, he will never betray those who trust him and never leave them when they need his help. Would put his life on the line for those closest to him and would put everything he's learned in his hunting and battle training to protect them.

Xiulan is a prince from birth in a kingdom cursed long before he was even born. As a prince he was often more protected than many of the remaining citizens of Sikar. He has watched as citizens try to leave, or suffer from the curse. As he got older he began to study it, finding the origin long lost and the curse unidentified. These studies also revealed why Sikar has not only kept its land, but also grown. The curse is spreading. Leaving his kingdom, Xiulan now travels in search of any information that could help them stop, or at least slow, the curse.

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