Km-1130: Byte
Owned by gl1tch0ut
Image #10151
Body Types:
Physical Ailment (Common) (Blind in one eye - Not passible in breedings)
Head-To-Tail Mane (Very Rare) (Not passible in breedings)
Tail Types:
Y-Shaped Tail (Very Rare) (Not passible in breedings)
Eye Types:
Heterochromia (Uncommon) (Blind eye is void - Not passible in breedings)
Horn Types:
Regular Horns (Common) (Small Horn - Not passible in breedings)
Quad-Horns (Very Rare) (Not passible in breedings)
Facial Horns (Rare) (Not passible in breedings)
Claws and Paws:
Long Claws (Uncommon) (Not passible in breedings)
Face Modifications:
Snaggletooth (Common) (Not passible in breedings)
Body Modifications:
Glider Wings (Very Rare) (Not passible in breedings)
Glowing Markings (Very Rare) (Spots - Not passible in breedings)
Sparkling Feathers (Rare) (Not passible in breedings)



Last Edited: 1 year ago
This kia is based on this previously existing character, and the two must be owned by the same user
Curse of Midas:Cannot roll on any and all traits they have to offspring from this Kiamara.
This Kiamara is mated to DM-0017. They may not breed with any other Kiamara without an item.
Deep Connection: When used in a quest, the user will gain a 5% chance to obtain either an Offering of Love or a Fling Trinket