Km-1024: Balerion ✧
Ashbringer Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll on all Job and Event quests.
For event quests, the event quest must have a minimum requirement of at least 200 words/a bust mentioned in their requirements.
Mimic Hunter: Every quest has a 50% chance of dropping a Companion Cage (Mimic Hunter)
Shadow Manipulation Buff:
Gives a guaranteed amount of credits per quest entry, depending on the quest.
Treasure Hunter: Grants the character a 35% chance of finding a metal or metal-related item.
This Kiamara is best friends with Ka-3192. Prompts that depict this Kia and their friend can now be used for both Kia’s prompt entries.
This Kiamara is soulbound to User FireOmens. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted. +3 to all breeding rolls for all passable traits this Kiamara has.