Km-100: Elise
Owned by LittleFish
Image #1839


Last Edited: 3 months ago
This Kiamara is soulbound to User LittleFish. It cannot be traded, sold or gifted.
Soulbound Bloodline: Grants a +3 to all traits passable by this character during breedings.

This Kiamara is best friends with Ka-686. Prompts that depict this Kia and their friend can now be used for both Kia’s prompt entries.

This Kiamara is mated to Ka-686. They may not breed with any other Kiamara without an item. +5 to all breeding rolls between the two.
This Kiamara is companion bonded to Mk-006
New Dawn Chef: Has a 10% chance of obtaining a New Dawn Stall box from any Enhanced quest entry when New Dawn is not active.