Ka-671: Khajiit

Owned by sixbane

Khajiit is a wily former jewel thief who turned his life around for the sake of his family. He used to work for an underground operation that staged major heists and he specialized in stealing from the most high security of places. 

He eventually met Pocky, falling in love with him and deciding to give up his life of crime to protect his partner and the family they eventually had.

That's not to say he's not still mischievous whenever given the opportunity, or won't snatch the occasional left behind object just for entertainment sake- but he's definitely far better off than he was. He still reminisces on his glory days as a master thief, and contacts from his old organization visit on the rare occasion...but he doesn't regret choosing something more valuable in his life.

He currently helps out finances by doing 'above board' mercenary work doing things that are more safe, like small bodyguard, fetching, or rescue team jobs. He puts his skills to the test helping government entities lawfully instead of pursuing his former goals.

Good natured, charming, and tremendously clever, he used to utilize his skills for troublemaking and was more than glad to test the limits of the law in order to have a good time and afford to live the way he wanted. He used to be quite selfish when he was younger, but in his older years he's mellowed out a lot and has learned to care for others as much as himself. 

He's surely to be found at the heart of any mischief, even if he doesn't pursue it as a profession anymore it's not in any way out of character for him to be involved with minor nuisances. He loves a bit of fun, and never stops pursuing a good time. While he does enjoy quiet nights in with his partner, he's quite energetic and struggles to sit still for too long. He always seems to be up to something and scheming is usually on his brain. Even if its just plotting hypothetical heists he'll never actually pursue.

He can't stand to feel bored of things and he always seems to be in pursuit of the next fun time, even if that's just a fun game night with his family.

He is a bit of a social chameleon, and has the ability to easily meld into other societies and conversations. Something that has surely benefitted him in his stealing days. But it makes him extremely resourceful and adaptable.

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