Ka-2534: Reshiko

Owned by Pachirisupaw

Reshiko is a generous friendly fellow. He works as a delivery boy and dedicates himself to making sure people get their mail on time no matter what. While his job can be hectic at times during the holiday seasons, he enjoys what he does. Reshiko knows there is a special sort of joy that comes with recieving an item that has been long anticpated. What he loves most is seeing the smiles on another's face when their mail arrives promptly. At times this means he is a bit of a workacholic and a pushover so it's not uncommon to see others taking advantage of his generosity. But he never holds any bad experiences against them. Delays can happen despite his best efforts, and its not their fault the weather turned sour or something got mislabeled. All he can do is focus on the things he can control, which is why he gives it his all no matter what.

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