Ka-2490: ' Laz

Owned by PaintedKitsune
Image #2768

Light Holder: This Kiamara cannot be turned into a Vampire. 

Dawn Bringer: +15 to all traits passable in a breeding  (due to having both Dawn Bringer & Light Holder)

Fire Manipulation Buff:
35% Chance of finding a crafted cooking item from any Guild Quest.

Illusion Manipulation Buff:
25% chance of finding a Box of Illusion from any Guild or Event quest. 

Predictor Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll in all standard guild quests

Ordering the Chaos: +10 to Uncommon traits this character can pass on in breedings.
+5 to Rare traits this character can pass on in breedings.
+3 to Very Rare traits this character can pass on in breedings.

Mimic Hunter: Every quest has a 50% chance of dropping a Companion Cage (Mimic Hunter)

Chef: Every quest has a 45% chance to roll for a random reagent bag.

Sparks Summoner Buff:
26% Chance of finding a crafted manahunting item from using this buff in any Guild Quest.

Flash Freeze Buff:
25% chance of obtaining a random crafted engineering item from guild quests

Treasure Hunter: Grants the character a 35% chance of finding a metal or metal-related item.

Spymaster: 45% Chance at gaining additional Salvaging Items from all quests.

