Ka-1901: Sinthia

Owned by sixbane

Sinthia grew up in a family of brothers and a single father- she learned to be confident and fight them on even ground; and she's not afraid to get her hands dirty. Through her early life she struggled without a female role model to understand herself and fell into seclusion as a result as a teenager, but eventually came to accept herself and believes quite strongly in helping others to do the same. "Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else.”  

She took to art originally, following in an older brother's footsteps while he tagged places around their city as his own. It started as a rebellious way of fighting "The man" but Sinthia soon led her art to grow and expand, earning a name for herself as quite the street artist and having a unique style that led her to some notoriety. She doesn't make money through her graffiti job- but through her day job at a florist. She does a lot of the caring for flowers, and doesn't really handle displays. Some good old gardening hands-in-the-dirt work is something she did with her family and both holds some nostalgia for her and offers a respite. She finds it calming. Most have no idea of her double life as one of the most famous artists around. 

Sinthia is a modern rebel, a graffiti artist who travels the city leaving her mark in bright colors and paint. She's sarcastic and sly, very opinionated, and over the top reckless. She loves a thrill, appreciates the beauty in everything, and thinks the best part about life is living it. She's spiritual, willing to try anything on a dare, and open to exploring anything and everything placed in front of her. She adores big gaudy jewelry and wearing the flashiest thing she can find.

She's very loud, and you're definitely going to know when she's around. She's extravagant and loves to talk, and loves dragging people into trouble even more. She's someone who gives her whole heart in everything she does and has no concept of when to quit while she's ahead, often getting her into trouble. 

  • Gift art is allowed
  • Gift writing is allowed