Ka-1761: Church

Owned by sixbane

Church grew up as the youngest child in a family of lawyers and law enforcement. Unlike his family, however, he was always rather antisocial and preferred to be alone. He never liked debating things or reading law books, and for the first part of his life he felt...rather directionless.

A chance encounter with a strange being in the woods one night when he was a teen, hiding out in the dark away from home after a fight with his parents, sent him on a new path. He studied anatomy, trying to explain it away as 'normal' in some way. He studied illnesses, growths, alternative developments- trying to understand what he'd saw. This sparked an interest in medicine that thrilled his family. Especially as he carried it into his formal education years and became a doctor. But he never forgot that strange thing he saw.

He picked up running his own small clinic during the daytime, and spending his nights exploring the forests where he'd met that strange beast. He confirmed that oddities roamed those woods, and set to learning everything possible about them.

Though he never did figure out what he saw that day, he still holds onto hope that he'll meet it. If only to answer his questions. 

Church is a brilliant doctor and studier of all sorts of medicine. He's incredibly clever and talented at what he does.... however, he often comes across as eccentric and overly fastidious. He pulls no punches when it comes to giving people bad news or getting vengeance when he's been provoked. He's very unusual to most and yet his skills make him highly respected regardless. Anyone who's known him long enough will usually respond with smiling and nodding along with whatever he's doing. He's quite an enigma and the fact he's rarely out in the daytime seems to encourage that.

He's quite antisocial and would generally prefer to be left alone, but he is pretty good at putting on a smooth act and dealing with people and patients. While he doesn't dislike people, he finds speaking to oftentimes be rather awkward and uncomfortable, as he has trouble putting his thoughts into words when he isn't wearing his 'work mask'. 

Though he has toes in all sorts of types of medicine, he is generally just a general physician. He's renown for being able to pull off life saving surgeries at a moments notice, as he's done it in the past. He came from a wealthy family of lawyers, and he sure impressed them to some regard wanting to be a doctor.. he always hated the particulars of debate and law. He prefers to do things as he wishes and as he feels necessary. Luckily, he usually has other's best interests in mind. But he definitely isn't always above board. 

Even if he seems a bit shifty, he genuinely is a good person and does his best to save people. He just happens to want to save people from forces that aren't always explainable as well as medically.

Especially with the whole spending his evenings hunting cryptids and monsters down to study them. But uh, the board of surgeons doesn't need to know about that. Or his back rooms full of specimens.  

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