
Glowing Paws

Glowing Paws (Very Rare)

Category: Claws and Paws
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have Paws that leave behind a trail of light or statically glow.
Kiamaras with either a Major or Minor power can have the Glowing Paws trait as part of their power, however, it can only be seen when their powers are in use and will not be passed in breedings.
Glow cannot have any sparkles or particles unless used with any of the sparkle traits.

Possible Examples:
If used on its own:

If used in conjunction with any of the Sparkle traits:

Click one of the above examples to go to the trait you would need in addition to obtain the looks above. 

Elemental Paws

Elemental Paws (Very Rare)

Category: Claws and Paws
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have paw pads that are made of another element, such as Water, Fire, or Air. 
Can also resemble other things such as paint, slime, etc.
Cannot be made of Blood. 

Mammalian Feet

Mammalian Feet (Legendary)

Category: Claws and Paws
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have paws or hooves that belong to other mammals, such as rabbits, horses, pigs, etc. 

Possible Examples:
Paw Variant

Paw Variant (Common)

Category: Claws and Paws
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras come in all sorts of shapes and sizes. The Paw Variant trait shows that some Kias tend to align more with canines or felines with some subtle differences.
Some Kias have webbed feet, like a Golden Retriever. Some others have retractable claws or even none at all. There are even Kiamaras out there that have both!

Kiamaras with this trait attached to their trait list will have it listed with the type of build they are:

  • Paw Variant (No Claws) 
  • Paw Variant (Webbed) 


Possible Examples:



Nose Variant

Nose Variant (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have noses not native to Canines or Felines.
They may have noses that resemble Bats, Reptiles, Rabbits, and any other funky snoops you can think of! 

Kiamaras with this trait attached to their trait list will have it listed with the shape of nose they have:

  • Nose Variant (Bat)
  • Nose Variant (Reptile)
  • Nose Variant (Rabbit)


Slightly Larger Canines

Slightly Larger Canines (Uncommon)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tusks or fangs that are too large to be considered Snaggle Teeth, but are too small to be considered Larger Canines. 
Fangs Must reach the chin line. 
Tusks must reach the beginning of the nose ridge.
Neither Fangs nor Tusks can be larger than these guides for this trait.


Size Reference:

The teeth must reach these guidelines and cannot be smaller nor bigger. This is due to smaller teeth being considered Snaggle Teeth and larger ones being considered Larger Canines.
For other line sets, you simply need to reach the  parts of the facial structure shown in these examples.


Possible Examples:
Larger Canines

Larger Canines (Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tusks or fangs that reach past the bridge of the nose or the chin. 
Fangs Must reach past the chin line. 
Tusks Must reach the nose bridge.
Neither Fangs nor Tusks can be smaller than these guides for this trait, however they can be any shape and there is no limit to how long they can be!


The teeth must reach past these guidelines. There is no limit to how big or small they can be as long as they reach past these limits. 


Metal Teeth

Metal Teeth (Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have teeth made of metal.
These can be any colour and should be shiny.
These cannot have any sparkle unless used in conjunction with a Sparkle trait. 

Crystalline Teeth

Crystalline Teeth (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have teeth made of crystal.
This can include gemstones, rough-cut gems, glass, and ice and can be shaded to look more crystalline.  Cannot be made of blood.
These cannot sparkle unless used in conjunction with a Sparkle trait. 

Glowing Teeth

Glowing Teeth (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have teeth that glow. 
This cannot have any sparkle or particles unless used in conjunction with a Sparkle trait. 

Possible Examples:
If used on its own:

If used in conjunction with any of the Sparkle traits:

Click one of the above examples to go to the trait you would need in addition to obtain the looks above. 

Long Tongue

Long Tongue (Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have long tongues compared to the average Kiamara. 
The average Kiamara's tongue goes to the bottom of the chin. 

Glowing Tongue

Glowing Tongue (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have a tongue that can glow. 
This cannot have any sparkle or particles unless used in conjunction with a Sparkle trait. 

Possible Examples:
If used on its own:

If used in conjunction with any of the Sparkle traits:

Click one of the above examples to go to the trait you would need in addition to obtain the looks above. 


Snaggletooth (Common)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait tend to have some teeth slightly poking through from under their lips!
No limit to the amount and can be teeth on either jaw.
Snaggleteeth cannot touch the chin/nose ridge as this is too close to the Small Tusks / Small Fangs traits.

Possible Examples:

Here are some examples of what you can do with this trait! Anything along these lines should be accepted. 


Shaped Tongue

Shaped Tongue (Common)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have an irregularly shaped tongue. 
This can be any shape!

Possible Examples:
Muzzle Variant

Muzzle Variant (Common)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and due to the different DNA within Kiamaras, their facial structures may differ. Some may be subtle like an Aquiline nose, whilst others may have longer muzzles that are similar to canines, or shorter ones that resemble a house cat.
This trait is attached to a Kiamara so that breeding artists can keep the facial structure in mind when editing the kits.

Kiamaras with this trait attached to their trait list will have it listed with the type of muzzle they have:

  • Muzzle Variant (Aquiline) 
  • Muzzle Variant (Longer) 
  • Muzzle Variant (Shorter) 


Nose Glow

Nose Glow (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have noses that glow. 
Glow cannot have sparkles or particles unless used in conjunction with any Sparkle trait. 

Possible Examples:
If used on its own:

If used in conjunction with any of the Sparkle traits:

Click one of the above examples to go to the trait you would need in addition to obtain the looks above. 


Gills (Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have gills. 
These gills can only be placed on the neck. 

Declinable Examples:
this is a good example of the Gills trait as they are located on the neck. Alternatively they can also be seen on the throat area or the back of the neck.
Gills that are located elsewhere come under the mythic Body Gills trait, and would not be covered by this trait.


Scale Patches

Scale Patches (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have patches of scales scattered over their body. 
Cannot cover their entire body. 

Small Fins

Small Fins (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have up to 4 small fins placed anywhere on the body, aside from the tail.
Must be able to fit inside the Very Rare Fin size box present on the Official Line Sets.

Glider Wings

Glider Wings (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have skin flaps connecting their forelimbs to their back limbs, similar to the wings of a Sugar Glider. 
These can be used to glide in the sky, but cannot fly. 

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