

Furless (Very Rare)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have no fur anywhere on their bodies. 

Very Long Fur

Very Long Fur (Very Rare)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have very long fur. This fur is noticeably longer than their long-furred cousins. 
This length is noticeable and does not have to be spread evenly over the body. Must extend over the green zone on the Fur Guides and has no limit to length.

Length Guides

Here you can find a link to the new length guides for this trait. 
The minimum area this trait can go is longer than the green zone. We judge this based on where the longest piece of fur ends.

Rex Lines  - CS Lines - Old DA Lines - Last DA Lines

Long Fur

Long Fur (Rare)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have longer fur than the average Kiamara.
This length is noticeable and does not have to be spread evenly over the body.
Must reach into the green zone on the Fur Guides.
Fur that is on the inside of the Kiamara must be a similar length or shorter to the fur around the outside. 

Length Guides

Here you can find a link to the new length guides for this trait. 
The maximum area this trait can go into is the Green area. We judge this based on where the longest piece of fur ends.

Rex Lines  - CS Lines - Old DA Lines - Last DA Lines

Textured Fur

Textured Fur (Uncommon)

Category: Fur Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have textured fur. This fur can be any texture such as wired, curly, tufted, pinata-themed, etc! 
Length of fur must remain within the orange zone of the fur guides, unless used in conjunction with a higher-rarity hair trait. 
Fur that is on the inside of the Kiamara must be a similar length or shorter to the fur around the outside. 

Length Guides

Here you can find a link to the new length guides for this trait. 
The maximum area this trait can go into is the orange area. We judge this based on where the longest piece of fur ends.

Rex Lines  - CS Lines - Old DA Lines - Last DA Lines

Possible Examples:
Aqua-Based Tail

Aqua-Based Tail (Legendary)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that resemble those from sea creatures or have fins on their tails. 
These tails include those that belong to; Sharks, Whales, Dolphins, Fish, Etc. 

Whilst this trait can grant you the Seahorse tail shape, you cannot have the tail curled unless used in conjunction with the Curled Tail Trait
This trait cannot be used to give your Kiamara a tentacle-based tail, as this is classed as a limb.

Possible Examples:
Living Tail

Living Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail Types

Those with this trait have tails that are their own living thing. 
This can be either flora or fauna, however, if the latter they cannot have limbs. 
Dromedairies must not have this as part of their subtype for it to be considered Mythical

Bob Tail

Bob Tail (Very Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that are very short and bobbed. 
These tails can be compared to the likes of Rabbits, Hamsters, or Bobtail Cats. 

Horse Tail

Horse Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that are the same as equines. 
These tails are short, with the fur tuft extremely close to the body. 
The hair tuft's length must be common unless used in conjunction with a Hair Length trait. 
This trait can be used in conjunction with the Tail Length Variant trait

Terrestrial Mammal Tail

Terrestrial Mammal Tail (Very Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that can resemble Terrestrial Mammals. 
These tails include those that belong to; dogs, cats, raccoons, foxes, mice, monkey, etc. 
Also include Kiamara tails with no tuft at the end. 

This trait allows for the fur on the tail to go up to 'Rare' in length to help better portray the animal it is based on, with anything longer needing the Very Long Fur trait to be applied to the Kiamara. 
Can be used in conjunction with the 'Tail Length Variant' trait to have the tail look longer or shorter.
Must not be short enough to confuse with the Bob Tail and Horse Tail traits.

Y-Shaped Tail

Y-Shaped Tail (Very Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have a tail that splits into two halfway down the tail, giving it the appearance of the letter Y. 
Both tail tufts are affected by any hair length trait applied to the kiamara. 
Must remain the common length unless used in conjunction with the Tail Length Variant trait.

Two Tails

Two Tails (Legendary)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have two tails.
Kiamaras that apply extra tail traits to a Kiamara with 2 tails can have them affect either one of both without the need to use an extra trait stone/item. 

Possible Examples:


If used in conjunction with other tail traits, it can affect either or both tails. Here is an example of using the Non-Tapered Tail trait alongside the Two Tails trait:

Faux Kitsune

Faux Kitsune (Mythic)

Category: Tail Types

Those with the Faux Kitsune tail have a tail that looks like two or more tails fused together at the sides. 

Curled Tail

Curled Tail (Rare)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that have a naturally curled relaxed position. 
This curl can take on any appearance; triangular, squared, corkscrew, etc. 

Possible Examples:


The following example can be made by using the Curled Tail trait in conjunction with the Tail Length Variant (Longer) trait

Draconic Tail

Draconic Tail (Legendary)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have the Draconic Tail, sporting a thick plate at the end of the tail tip. 
The tail tip can be any shape, but cannot look like another tail type (For example, shaped like a shark fin)

Possible Examples:


Tail Length Variant

Tail Length Variant (Uncommon)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have longer or shorter tails than the average Kiamara.

Kiamaras with this trait attached to their trait list will have it listed with the type of tail length they have:

  • Tail Length Variant (Shorter) 
  • Tail Length Variant (Longer) 

Tailless (Legendary)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have no tail at all. 

Lampyre Tail

Lampyre Tail (Seasonal)

Category: Tail Types

This trait can be obtained during New Dawn between the 1st and 15th of January, though the way of obtaining this trait may vary yearly. 
During New Dawn between the 1st and 15th of January, Kiamaras and Dromedairy that have this trait have a 100% pass rate of this trait to offspring.
All other times of year this trait will pass down at the same rate as 'Rare' traits. 
All characters can only have x1 Seasonal trait active at a time and if you wish to apply another, you must remove the original. 
Cannot be used on Alternate Forms and cannot be added by using Trait Stones.

When on a Kiamara:
Kiamaras that have this trait must have the following edit: 

A tail that resembles a Lampyre's Tail. 

The 'bulb' must glow and sparkle in the same colour it is coloured in. The bulb must also be shiny.

The fluff around the bulb must be segmented and can only be as long as the bulb itself. 


(Click for larger view)

Tail /Fur Length traits, Tail Type traits, Glow traits, and sparkle traits do not affect this trait and cannot be used in conjunction with it. If you apply this trait to a Kiamara with one or more of these traits, they will be overwritten by this trait. 

When used on a Dromedairy:
Grants any Dromedairy of any subtype to receive the following edits to their base subtype: 

A tail that resembles a Lampyre's Tail. 

The 'bulb' must glow and sparkle in the same colour it is coloured in. The bulb must also be shiny.

The fluff around the bulb must be segmented a


(Click for larger view)

This does not affect their colouration genes and all other traits present in the Dromedairy's Subtype must still be viewable. 


Reptilian Tail

Reptilian Tail (Legendary)

Category: Tail Types
Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have tails that belong to reptiles. 
These tails include those that belong to; Geckos, Lizards, Snakes, etc. 

Whilst this trait can grant you the Chameleon tail shape, you cannot have the tail curled unless used with the Curled Tail TraitWithout this trait, you would have to keep the tail straight. 

Possible Examples:


Bone Tail

Bone Tail (Mythic)

Category: Tail Types

Kiamaras with this trait have a tail made entirely of bone.
No blood can be present on these tails. 

Three Or More Tails

Three Or More Tails (Mythic)

Category: Tail Types

Kiamaras with this trait have 3+ tails. These are all separate and connected to the rump. 

307 results found.