

Vampirism (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Vampirism Buff:
15% chance any Kiamara that breeds with this Kiamara will gain the Vampirism Power, mates are guaranteed to obtain the trait. This power is only unobtainable if the other Kiamara has the 'Light Bringer' buff.

+15 chance of offspring obtaining the Larger Canines trait if either parent has the trait.

7% chance that if a Kiamara with the Vampirism power breeds with another with the  Dawnbringer power, the kiamara with the Vampirism power will obtain the "Underworldling" Buff; causing them to be unable to obtain the Dawnbringer power.

+5 to all traits passable in a breeding.

+13  to all traits passable in a breeding if the kiamara has both the Vampirism power and Underworldling buff. 

Dromedairy Vampirism Buff:
Gives offspring a 15% chance of obtaining the Stone Gene.

+15 chance of offspring obtaining the Stone Gene if either parent has the trait.

Gives offspring a 15% chance of obtaining the Drained Gene.

+15 chance of offspring obtaining the Drained Gene if either parent has the trait.

7% chance that if a Dromedairy with the Vampirism power breeds with another with the  Dawnbringer power, the Dromedairy with the Vampirism power will obtain the "Underworldling" Buff; causing them to be unable to obtain the Dawnbringer power.

+5 to all traits passable in a breeding.

+13 to all traits passable in a breeding if the dromedairy has both the Vampirism power and Underworldling buff. 

"Something most Solarians tend to deny exists but are horrifyingly real are Vampires. Unlike the fictional kind, these vampires show up in mirrors and many love to snack on garlic bread, with their powers tending to corrupt those around them instead."

Satellite Manipulation

Satellite Manipulation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Satellite Manipulation Buff:
x3 extra rolls for all non-Job quests entered during a full moon.

x1 extra roll during all other moon phases for all non-job quests that have a standard requirement of at least 200 words/a bust.

"It is said every  moon that travels around a planet has the ability to have its soul controlled by another; every satellite needs its tide."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing the moon following them in the piece, being closer to them.
  • Having a clock showing its midnight, but the moon is out of place.
  • Showing them make new moons in the background.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them moving the moon aside to that they could cause the tide to go in or out.
  • Writing about how they can make the moon change phase.
  • Showing how they can make the moon closer or further away. 
Gift of Mariana

Gift of Mariana (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Gift of Mariana Buff:
Gives offspring a 2% chance of obtaining the mythical Body Gills trait.

Gives offspring a 12% chance of obtaining the Aqua-Based Tail trait.

+12 chance of offspring obtaining the Aqua-Based Tail trait if either parent has the trait.

Gives offspring a 17% chance of obtaining the Gills trait.

+17 chance of offspring obtaining the Gills trait if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Gift of Mariana Buff:
Gives offspring a 2% chance of obtaining the mythical Body Gills trait.

Gives offspring a 7% chance of obtaining the Abyssal Subtype.

+7 chance of offspring obtaining the Abyssal Subtype if either parent has the trait.

Gives offspring a 15% chance of obtaining the Seaweed Gene.

+15 chance of offspring obtaining the Seaweed Gene if either parent has the trait.

"These individuals are able to control more than just water; any liquid is within their grasp. It's best to stay away from individuals with this power, to be on the safe side."

Hands of Fate

Hands of Fate (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Hands of Fate Buff:
Grants 3 extra rolls in all Chef, Engineers, and Manahunters guild quests from the 1st-7th of every month.

Grants 2 additional roll in all Event quests have a standard requirement of at least 200 words/a bust from the 8th-13th every month.

Grants 1 additional roll in all Job quests from the 14th-27th of each month.

"Those with this ability are able to weave through the fabric of fate; though which universe are they editing?"

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Show them correctly guessing what the outcome of a fight would be with a thought bubble showing the incident and a tick next to it.
  • Having two situations on the image with their paw or hand over the one they know will be.
  • Showing an NPC either younger or older than what they currently are, showing that they are able to see where they will end up or how they got there.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning how they are able to correctly decide what will happen in a high-risk situation.
  • Writing about how they could change the outcome of something they didn't like.
  • Showing how they could help someone by re-writing part of their history to help them.

Electrify (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Electrify Buff:
50% chance of finding crafted Manahunting items as an extra roll in any guild quest.

7% chance of the Noodle trait being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+7 chance of the Noodle trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Electrify Buff:
50% chance of finding crafted Manahunting items as an extra roll in any guild quest.

10% chance of the Thunder Plain subtype being passed in breedings if neither parent has the subtype.

+10 chance of the Thunder Plain subtype being passed in breedings if either parent has the subtype.

"The electric charge in the air around Kiamaras with this power is something not to look past. It's probably best to not be near trees and to always be prepared for lightning strikes as 'Maras with this power have the ability to crack the very earth with strike after strike."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Backgrounds are surrounded by a thick thunderstorm, with lightning emitting from the characters' hands.
  • Showing them giving someone an electric shock, with hair sizzling afterwards.
  • Drawing them going hunting in a large body of water, electrifying the water to capture 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them creating a thunderstorm around the village about to be attacked to protect the people inside.
  • Writing about how they are able to wield thunder to create a perpetual storm in the ocean to protect wildlife from poachers.
  • Showing how they could breathe out a mass of thunderbolts upon their enemies should they wish to. 
Illusion Manipulation

Illusion Manipulation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Illusion Manipulation Buff:
25% chance of finding a Box of Illusion from any Guild or Event quest. 

"Illusion Manipulation of the Minor degree tends to cause a variety of different visual effects; from wisps following someone to someone being able to find a friend amongst the fog, or to obscure small objects from view completely. "

Possible Rewards:


How To Use In A Quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Orbs or whisps following the character around. 
  • The background is a different colour as if looking through a kaleidoscope 
  • Showing them surrounded by glowing figures or animals around them 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them pulling a prank on someone by making a bird appear in front of them. 
  • Writing about how they make some lights or sparkles that seem to follow them and disappear. 
  • Them showing how they are brilliant at magic tricks. 
Fire Manipulation

Fire Manipulation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Fire Manipulation Buff:
35% Chance of finding a crafted cooking item from any Guild Quest.

"Whether your character knows how to apply a flame to a  candle, or even send small sparks flying - they're sure to light up a room!"

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • A small flame lighting on a candle with the Kiamara looking at it, surprised. 
  • Accidently setting fire to a bouquet. 
  • A flame appearing above their head when angry.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them lighting candles on a chandeleer. 
  • Writing how they accidently set someone's hat on fire before throwing it into a river.
  • Helping light a fire when camping to entertain some kits/calves.
Super Strength

Super Strength (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Super Strength Buff:
50% chance of obtaining the Bag of Many Thingies from any Guild Quest.

"These individuals are not to be messed with; whilst they can take damage like anyone else, the damage they can inflict is tenfold what is considered average."

Possible Rewards:


How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • The character holding an object bigger than themselves. 
  • Drawing the character holding something while another character or pet struggles to. 
  • Holding a large bag of sun cookies for Gus whilst Sug is exhausted pulling his haul.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning how they can lift a heavier object with ease.
  • Writing how others are surprised at the actions of the character lifting something heavy.
  • Comparing the character to an ant that holds objects so much heavier than themselves. 
Sparks Summoner

Sparks Summoner (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Sparks Summoner Buff:
26% Chance of finding a crafted manahunting item from using this buff in any Guild Quest.

"Those who have this power are able to create small sparks of electricity; even static. Most can't produce enough to harm others."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Drawing a slight lightning storm that only appears above their head when they are angry or annoyed.
  • Drawing sparks coming from their paws when they walk.
  • Showing their hair has become staticky with sparks appearing from it.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning that there were flashes of lightning following the character before hearing a boom of thunder.
  • Talking about how other characters' hair/fur stood up around them.
  • Perhaps describing a situation where they were able to help power something with their sparks.

Teleportation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Teleportation Buff:
When entering any guild prompt, they have a 40% chance to obtain a different guild quest's loot.
The same tables apply regardless of if they are used in a Standard or Enhanced prompt. 

"These individuals have a habit of summoning small objects or even transporting themselves for short distances. Vertigo tends to follow soon after."

Possible Rewards from Chefs' Guild Quests

Your character has the chance of obtaining either one or three items from the following tables:


Possible Rewards from Manahunters' Guild Quests

Your character has the chance of obtaining either one or three items from the following tables:


Possible Rewards from Engineers' Guild Quests

Your character has the chance of obtaining either one or three items from the following tables:

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them exiting from a portal or rift.
  • The background shows two different locations with them walking through them.
  • Showing them pull an item from a small portal or rift from far away. 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them using a portal or rift to transport themselves to where they currently are.
  • Writing about how they feel when using teleportation. Maybe it makes them feel dizzy?
  • Showing how they are able to sneak around to steal or play pranks on someone.
Fog Manipulation

Fog Manipulation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Fog Manipulation Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll in all engineering guild quests.
If taking part in enhanced requirements, they will also guarantee a roll from the standard table in addition to the extra roll.

"Able to draw moisture from the atmosphere to appear around them, those who have Fog Manipulation can create beautiful landscapes or scary scenery."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Low-hovering clouds following the Kiamara. 
  • Showing that their feet are surrounded by cloud-like masses. 
  • Showing the fog all around in the background.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning the fog rolling in around them. 
  • Talking about how they could easily use the fog to hide their tracks. 
  • Letting the reader know that the fog was part of their plans. 
Shadow Manipulation

Shadow Manipulation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Shadow Manipulation Buff:
Gives a guaranteed amount of credits per quest entry, depending on the quest.

"The ability to swirl darkness or shadows around their being, or cause shadows to change their shapes is a tricky one unless you have Shadow Manipulation."

Possible Rewards:
Event Quests: 3 
Jobs: 5
Guild Quests (Standard):  5
Guild Quests (Enhanced): 10
Non-Repeatable Quests:  20
How to use in quests:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing their shadow bending into a different form.
  • Having no shadow whilst everyone else does.
  • Having little shadow creatures follow them wherever they go.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning that they bent the shadows in a way to scare someone.
  • Writing how they were able to use shadows to cloak themselves to sneak past a scene they caused.
  • Showing another character that they are able to turn shadows into pets.
Spectral Communication

Spectral Communication (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Spectral Communication Buff:
3% chance of obtaining a Blessed or Cursed Coin from any non-job, non-guild quests. 

These items can only be used on the character who obtained the coin in the quest.

"Be wary when talking to or attempting to summon a spectral being; you never know what you're going to invite in."
Possible Rewards:
How to use in quests:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them talking to a spirit or ghost.
  • Having them hugging a spirit as though they were friends.
  • Showing how they are able to see spirits and how they react to them.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them talking to someone that wasn't there to help them.
  • Writing about how they feel when talking to spirits. Does it hurt them? Give them headaches? Make them feel cold?
  • Showing how they are able to use this power to gain knowledge, talking to someone's spirit who knew the person your character was in the same room with.
Breeze Bender

Breeze Bender (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power
Kiamara Breeze Bender Buff:

5% chance of the Elemental Hair trait being passed in breedings, even if one of the parents already has it.

Dromedairy Breeze Bender Buff:
10% chance of offspring obtaining the Clear Gene.  

+10 chance of Clear Gene being passed on if either the parents have the gene.

"Regardless of if they send a small wind to move leaves from their lawn, or perhaps a gentle breeze, those with this ability should not be messed with as something as gentle as a simple breath has the ability to turn into something more disasterous."

Gentle Plant Growth

Gentle Plant Growth (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Gentle Plant Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll in all chefs' guild quests.

If taking part in enhanced requirements, they will also guarantee a roll from the standard table in addition to the extra roll.

"Whether you want to turn grass pink, or help blossom a tree in spring; those with this power have quite the green finger."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing small plants growing at their feet.
  • Having them nurse a flower back to life. 
  • Showing vines climbing around their hair or horns, if they have either.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning how they have plants growing around their paws as they walk.
  • Showing the reader a flower growing in their hand from seed, without water or soil. 
  • Writing how the plants in their garden always seem to stay healthy, even out of season.

Translator (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Translator Buff:
20% chance of rolling a Translator's Gift in any Non-Job Quest.

"Those with this power tend to know exactly what their pets and other critters are saying, or even listen to someone else's thoughts!"

Possible Rewards:


How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them reading illegible scribbles and being able to tell someone what it says.
  • Holding a long conversation with Gus whilst someone else looks on, confused. 
  • Showing them thinking the same thing as someone else to indicate them reading their thoughts.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning what another character is thinking, before telling the other character what was on their mind.
  • Holding a conversation with one of their pets whilst indicating people around them do not understand what the pet is saying.
  • Writing about how they were able to decipher ancient texts to help out archaeologists. 
Water Breathing

Water Breathing (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power
Kiamara Water Breathing Buff:
 20% Chance of offspring obtaining the Gills trait.

+20 Chance of offspring obtaining the Gills trait if either of the parents has the gene.

Dromedairy Water Breathing Buff:
15% chance of offspring obtaining the Seaweed Gene

+15 chance of Seaweed Gene being passed on if either the parents has the gene.

"Those with this power seem like they have lungs of steel! With or without gills, they can breathe underwater."


Bubble Creation

Bubble Creation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power
Kiamara Bubble Creation Buff:
 20% Chance of offspring obtaining the Permanently Crying trait.

+20 Chance of offspring obtaining the Permanently Crying trait if either of the parents has the gene.

Dromedairy Bubble Creation Buff:
15% chance of offspring obtaining the Bubble Gene

+15 chance of Bubble Gene being passed on if either the parents has the gene.

"Bubbles, bubbles everywhere! Those that have this power are always able to create bubbles, be it for their own amusement or to help things mysteriously float away...."




Predictor (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Predictor Buff:
Guarantees an extra roll in all standard guild quests

"Seeing into the future can open a big can of worms. Luckily, most of those with this power can't see too far!"
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Having a watch in view, smirking when something happens with a thought bubble above their head; showing that their prediction occurred right on time.
  • Having written on a piece of paper what would happen, with the scene occurring in front of them.
  • Showing the viewer a thought bubble with what they thought would happen with them giving a thumbs up.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them thinking of what someone was going to say, then having the other say it word-for-word.
  • Writing about how they push someone out of the way to avoid an accident. 
  • Showing how they are able to always tell when it is about to rain, down to the minute. 
Flash Freeze

Flash Freeze (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Flash Freeze Buff:
25% chance of obtaining a random crafted engineering item from guild quests


"The ability to lower the temperature of the air around them to the point ice crystals form, those with Flash Freeze are able to pull the moisture around them to create small ice crystals."

Possible Rewards:


How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing the character freezing random objects in place.
  • Having their ice pop stay frozen even on a very hot summer's day. 
  • Showing them create ice cubes out of thin air.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them helping someone cool down by putting a block of ice on their feet.
  • Writing about how they are able to make ice crystals form on the floor.
  • Showing that they can create a personal little snow cloud above anyone who wishes to have one, for a short time. 
307 results found.