
Time Manipulation

Time Manipulation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Time Manipulation Buff:
Allows for all offspring to have their traits re-rolled during breedings.

Can only be re-rolled once at the start of a breeding and if a reroll is asked to happen they cannot use the previous set of traits.

Cannot reroll individual traits and must be fully re-rolled. 

Dromedairy Time Manipulation Buff:
Allows for all offspring to have their traits re-rolled during breedings.

Can only be re-rolled once at the start of a breeding and if a reroll is asked to happen they cannot use the previous set of traits.

Cannot reroll individual traits and must be fully re-rolled. 

Can choose any recessive gene rolled for the Dromedairy to become dominant.

"Jumping back and forth through time is as easy as breathing for Kiamaras with this power!"

Chaos Infusion

Chaos Infusion (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Chaos Infusion Buff:
Each offspring can have 2 standard mutations rolled for.

All offspring are able to have up to 7 mutatoes used instead of 5.

10% chance of obtaining a current minor power - this is randomised by the artist and can be one that either parent currently has if it was not rolled for.

Dromedairy Chaos Infusion Buff:
All offspring have a 30% chance of rolling for a Hybrid

All offspring have a 10% chance of obtaining any and all Colouration Genes as recessive traits in a breeding, regardless of whether either parent has said gene.

Breedings have a 40% chance of rolling for twins on a SWaC.

Breedings have a 25% chance of rolling for Triplets on a Guaranteed Twins slots.

"Fragmented. Beautiful. Creative. Disorderly. Chaos shall reign."

Fog Bringer

Fog Bringer (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Fog Bringer Buff:
Guarantees x2 extra rolls in all engineering guild quests.

If taking part in enhanced requirements, they will also guarantee an item ONLY present on the enhanced loot table.

"You feel a slight chill in the air around those with this power. With the ability to cause water to condensate even on the warmest of days, many feel a slight ominous presence when around those who are able to summon these thick fogs."

Possible Rewards from Enhanced Salty Salvage:
Possible Rewards from Enhanced Nuts and Bolts:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Backgrounds are now completely covered in fog, only being able to see under their feet.
  • Having a newspaper that mentions they accidentally caused a thick layer of fog over their town on accident.
  • Showing them creates a thick fog to slow people down heading towards danger, to turn them away from it. 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them wrapping the fog around them to cloak them.
  • Writing about how they can make people disappear at their own wish should they want a change in their life, encasing them in fog.
  • Showing how they could breathe out fog and cause it to encase a room before they vanish.
Star Manipulation

Star Manipulation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Star Manipulation Buff:
Offspring have a 10% Chance of rolling the Floating Objects trait that must be in the shape of stars.

+10 chance of the Floating Objects trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait. If the roll is successful, the objects must either be star-shaped or shaped like the parent's objects.

All offspring are guaranteed to obtain the Shaped Pupil trait in the shape of stars and the Lighter Pupil trait regardless of whether or not either parent has these traits.

Dromedairy Star Manipulation Buff:
Offspring have a 10% Chance of rolling the Supernova Subtype.

15% Chance that offspring will obtain the Luna Gene as a dominant gene in breedings.

+15 Chance that offspring will obtain the Luna Gene as a dominant gene in breedings if either parent already has the gene.





"Control of the cosmos is almost within their reach, but these Solarians can at least manipulate a small portion of it!"

Emotive Chaos

Emotive Chaos (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Emotive Chaos Buff:
On top of the standard mutation roll, each offspring can have a guaranteed mutation should the parent's owners wish for them. 

Each kit can have up to 6 Mutatos/Mutato Potions rolled instead of 5.

During breedings with Kiamaras with this power, a single Mutato/Mutato Potion affects all offspring rather than just affecting one kit per item.

Breedings on SwAC slots with Kiamaras with this trait have the twin rate increased to 30%.

Dromedairy Emotive Chaos Buff:
All offspring have a 20% chance of rolling for a Hybrid

All offspring have a 15% chance of obtaining any and all Colouration Genes as recessive traits in a breeding, regardless of whether either parent has said gene.

All offspring have a 15% chance of obtaining any and all Very Rare Colouration Genes as a dominant trait in a breeding, regardless of whether either parent has said gene. If rolled, it will be randomised by the artist as to what gene they obtain.

Breedings on SWaC slots with Dromedairies with this trait have a 30% chance of rolling for twins.

"Ever wanted to help lift someone's mood? Perhaps you wanted to make people tired enough that they would go for a nap? With Emotive Chaos, you are able to control that with a flick of a wrist!"

Greater Plant Growth

Greater Plant Growth (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Greater Plant Growth Buff:
Guarantees x2 extra rolls in all chef guild quests.

If taking part in enhanced requirements, they will also guarantee an item ONLY present on the enhanced loot table.

"Not all plants are delicate, and those with this power know it. Individuals with this power have been known to bring life to the most barren of deserts or completely destroy towns and cities by making the ground shake with the sudden rootage of plants. Be careful what farmer you end up upsetting; you may just live to regret it."

Possible Rewards from Enhanced Living Off the Land:
Possible Rewards from Enhanced Taste Tester:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing how they are able to grow a large tree in a matter of seconds.
  • Having vines trap a thief in place so they didn't run away.
  • Showing them help hunters in the Wrathion Woods by creating red shrubs to stop Vital Beasts

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them creating a forest around their home without even needing to step outside.
  • Writing about how they could move trees with their mind to help them travel across a wide river.
  • Showing how they could have exotic flowers grow and become sustained in the harshest of climates.
Sleep Manipulation

Sleep Manipulation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Sleep Manipulation Buff:
50% chance of finding a Sleepy-Time Box from any non-job, non-event quest.

50% chance of finding a Plushie Box from any quest. 

7% chance of obtaining any box from any minor power in any quest.

"Nightmares to dreams, or dreams to nightmares? Those with this power can do either, so maybe sleep with one eye open around them!"

Possible Rewards 1:
Possible Rewards 2:
Possible Rewards 3:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them inside someone's dream.
  • Having them put someone into a deep sleep so they can sneak past them.
  • Showing the character reading a book on dream interpretations whilst gently petting their sleeping pet's head.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them interfering with someone's dream to turn it into a nightmare.
  • Writing about how they wanted to implement a specific thought within someone's mind for their own doing.
  • Showing how they could jump through different dreams in a sleeping household.

Hacker (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Hacker Buff:

5% chance of a Random Legendary Trait being passed in breedings. The type of trait is up to the artist and does not effect any mutation/mutato/mutato potion rolls. 

Once rarities are rolled, you are able to edit one trait for each kit that the artist has rolled for one of the same rarity. For example; if your Kiamara rolls for UC Coloured Sclera, you can ask for it to be changed to UC Ear Length. The parents do not have to have this trait. 

Dromedairy Hacker Buff:
Offspring from a Dromedairy with this buff have a 25% chance of obtaining the 00111010 00101001 Gene as a recessive gene from breedings, regardless of whether the either parent has the gene or not.

Offspring from a Dromedairy with this buff have a 10% chance of obtaining the 00111010 00101001 Gene as a dominant gene from breedings, regardless of whether either parent has the gene or not. If rolled, this trait will always overwrite any other dominant gene rolled.

Offspring have a 5% chance of becoming a random subtype that none of the parents are.

"Whether it's being able to hack into a database, or hacking into the DNA of another 'Mara, those with this power are sneaky."


Dawnbringer (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Dawn Bringer Buff:
10% chance that if a Kiamara with the Dawnbringer power breeds with another with the Vampirism power, the kiamara with the Dawnbringer power will obtain the "Light Bringer" Buff; causing them to be unable to obtain Vampirism. 

However, if a Kiamara breeds with another with Vampirism, they have a 15% chance of obtaining the Vampirism power, causing the kiamara to lose their Dawnbringer power and replaces it with the Vampirism power instead. 

+9 to all traits passable in a breeding.

+15 to all traits passable in a breeding if the kiamara has both the Dawnbringer and Light Holder buff. 

Dromedairy Dawn Bringer Buff:
10% chance that if a Dromedairy with the Dawnbringer power breeds with another with the Vampirism power, the kiamara with the Dawnbringer power will obtain the "Light Bringer" Buff; causing them to be unable to obtain Vampirism. 

However, if a Dromedairy breeds with another with Vampirism, they have a 15% chance of obtaining the Vampirism power, causing the Dromedairy to lose their Dawnbringer power and replaces it with the Vampirism power instead. 

10% chance of Earlybird Gene being passed on to offspring.

30% chance of Earlybird Genebeing passed on to offspring if the dromedairy has both the Dawnbringer and Light Holder buff

+10 to all recessive genes being passed on in a breeding if the dromedairy has both the Dawnbringer and Light Holder buff.

"The ability to bring the dawn early often comes in handy on those cold winter mornings. Sometimes, you just want to be the early bird without having to sleep through."

Fire Blast

Fire Blast (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Fire Blast Buff:
55% chance of finding crafted cooking items in any guild quest.

7% chance of the Extremely Long Hair trait being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+7 chance of the Extremely Long Hair trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Fire Blast Buff:
55% chance of finding crafted cooking items in any guild quest.

7% chance of the Scorched Gene being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+7 chance of the Scorched Gene being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

"Kiamaras with this power don't just use it to help perfectly cook their next barbeque. Capable of reducing entire cities to cinders, they were rightfully feared in ancient history."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Backgrounds are now completely swallowed by flames.
  • A newspaper mentioning that there has been an increase in forest fires with the character in the shot.
  • Showing them set their room on fire whilst they are having a cup of tea. It is, after all, fine. 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them bringing a room up to boiling temperatures, causing the house to burst into flame.
  • Writing about how they had to escape their hometown after they reduced it to cinders.
  • Showing how they could cause fire to create a barrier around a criminal to stop them from getting away. 
Nature's Spirit

Nature's Spirit (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Nature's Spirit Buff:
10% chance of the Living Horns trait being passed in breedings if neither parent has the trait.

+10 chance of the Living Horns trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Nature's Spirit Buff:
10% chance of the Overgrowth Subtype trait being passed in breedings, regardless of what subtype the parents are.

60% chance of the Extremely Long Hair trait being passed in breedings, regardless of what subtype the parents are.

"Whether or not these individuals should be feared is debated. On one hand, they can cause havoc controlling nature,  on the other, they have the power to save it."

Greater Healing

Greater Healing (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Greater Healing Buff:
Standard Guild quests are guaranteed x1 reagent bags based on which guild the quest is part of. 

Enhanced Guild quests are guaranteed x3 reagent bags based on which guild the quest is part of. 

"One can only hope that if they are fatally hurt that someone with this power is nearby. Able to help them out at a moments notice, these individuals are able to test death himself at the game of survival."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Show them helping another that has clothes bloodied, but no scars to show that they have healed them.
  • A green glow comes from their hand over another that appears to have been caught in a trap to help them.
  • Showing them help another with a broken leg, helping them heal it quickly.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them helping a friend who was on the brink of passing away to heal a great wound.
  • Writing about how they had healed a mild illness that had spread through their village. 
  • Showing how they could help a creature back to full health without it having to wait a long while. 

Psionics (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Psionics Buff:
7% chance of obtaining a Blessed or Cursed Coin from any non-job quests.

These items can only be used on the character who obtained the coin in the quest.

"A power still widely unknown by many in Manabane, though the individuals that have this power tend to feel very uneasy..."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them having little wavy lines around them with the character looking uneasy.
  • Having a faded trail aurora around them when using their powers, warping their surroundings.
  • Showing how they are able to see shadowy figures interacting with things with a confused look on their face.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them feeling as though they are being watched, knowing where a new rift will appear.
  • Writing about how they feel in a room; their hair standing up but nothing had changed, beads of sweat, feeling cold when the room was warm, etc.
  • Showing how they are able to use the power to  find safe spaces away from the strange phenomenon they can't even explain.
Space Manipulation

Space Manipulation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Space Manipulation Buff:
 5% Chance of offspring obtaining the Galactic Hair trait.

+5 Chance of offspring obtaining the Galactic Hair trait if either of the parents has the trait.

Dromedairy Space Manipulation Buff:
 10% Chance of offspring obtaining the Cosmic Subtype trait.

+5 Chance of offspring obtaining the Cosmic Subtype trait if either of the parents has the trait.

"Not even the cosmos is safe from these beings who seemingly are able to control the cosmos..."

Watcher's Eye

Watcher's Eye (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Watcher's Eye Buff:
x2 extra rolls of the possible loot table from any standard quest entry that has a minimum requirement of 200 words/busts of a character. Only effects loot tables labelled 'Possible Rewards' on quests.

x1 extra roll of the possible loot table from any enhanced quest entry. Only effects loot tables labelled 'Possible Rewards' on quests.

Doubles the roll of 1 pet used in the quest entry that is attached to the character with this power chosen by the owner.

"It is said those with this ability can even look into the depths of the afterlife. Many tend to not pry in the business of the deceased, however for those who have a need to a conclusion this power is a gateway to all history has to offer."

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Backgrounds are now full of many spectral beings.
  • Having a panel showing the character's eyes start to glow white and another panel showing that they let another soul use their body to talk to a member of the living.
  • Showing them see a glimpse of the past, especially those who have passed away. 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them being able to slip through time to see the past, all whilst remaining in the present.
  • Writing about how they can see the way others pass to help solve mysteries.
  • Showing how they could use their power to become rich by writing down the scene they are witnessing to later sell as a book. 

Necromancy (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Necromancy Buff:
75% chance of obtaining a G'Mas Biscuit Tin from any non-job Standard quest entry.

If submitting an Enhanced quest entry, this roll will be done twice, giving you the chance of obtaining x2 G'Mas Biscuit Tin. 

"Whether these individuals can bring back those from the dead or can shape mana souls into familiars with their bare hands, they tend to never be lonely! Stranger still, anything they have claimed to bring back from the afterlife always seems to be in perfect condition."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing the character being able to bring an animal back to life.
  • Having them have a little zombie friend join them on their journey.
  • Showing them having a talking weapon or object with which they infused a soul onto.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them bringing a family member back to life.
  • Writing about how they can allow people to have extra time with their loved pets and companions.
  • Showing how they could breathe life into someone who had recently passed away.

Immortality (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Immortality Buff:
Any offspring can be guaranteed a random minor power that is rolled at random should the user ordering the breeding wish them to.

If the user decides to guarantee a random minor power, only traits up to Uncommon present on all parents are able to be rolled for the breeding. 

If the user decides not to guarantee a random minor power, the breeding instead will gain a 10% chance of a random minor power being rolled and all traits can be rolled as usual.

Dromedairy Immortality Buff:
Any offspring can be guaranteed a random minor power that is rolled at random should the user ordering the breeding wish them to.

If the user decides to guarantee a random minor power, only traits up to Uncommon present on all parents are able to be rolled for the breeding and the Dromedairy's subtype can only be Grassland or Sand, regardless of parental subtype. 

If the user decides not to guarantee a random minor power, the breeding instead will gain a 10% chance of a random minor power being rolled and all traits can be rolled as usual.

"Those with this power have lived through millennia, and are unable to pass on from this world. Some have been here since the creation of Solaria, and they will remain after its death. Cursed to a life of no end, it seems these individuals are stuck for eternity..."


Crystalline (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Crystalline Buff:
Gives offspring a 2% Chance of obtaining the Mythic Crystal Hair trait

Gives offspring a 7% chance of obtaining the Crystal-Like Horns trait.

+7 chance of offspring obtaining the Crystal-Like Horns trait if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Crystalline Buff:
Gives offspring a 2% Chance of obtaining the  Mythic Crystal Hair trait

Gives offspring a 7% chance of obtaining the Geode Subtype.

+7 chance of offspring obtaining the Geode Subtype if either parent has the trait.

"It is said that an old Droma with this power was amongst the first Manahunters able to craft Manawyrms like Pasha, encrusted with jewels. Due to their popularity and price, many were stolen and sold until they thought they were extinct, with the Droma passing away without ever letting another soul know the technique. The resurgence of Mana Beasts that are encrusted, or made of, precious jewels is rather baffling. Perhaps someone has figured out this old art?"

Into Thin Air

Into Thin Air (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Into Thin Air Buff:
Gives offspring a 10% Chance of obtaining the Small Wings trait

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Small Wings trait if either parent has the trait.

If the Small Wing trait is rolled, offspring have a 10% Chance of obtaining the Elemental Wings trait.

If the Small Wing trait is rolled, offspring have, offspring have a +10 chance of obtaining the Elemental Wings trait if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Into Thin Air Buff:
Gives offspring a 15% Chance of obtaining the  Mythic Mist Subtype.

+15 chance of offspring obtaining the Mist Subtype if either parent has the trait. 

Gives offspring a 7% Chance of obtaining the Breeze Gene.

+7 chance of offspring obtaining the Breeze Gene if either parent has the trait.


"The illusions these masterminds can conjure are enough to have you believe you are walking in another reality. Often having the individual able to disappear in front of your very eyes, it's often said they are akin to the bird in the sky, or a cloud; able to dissipate with ease."

Sub Zero

Sub Zero (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Sub Zero Buff:
50% chance of a random crafted engineering item as an extra roll in any guild quest

Gives offspring a 10% Chance of obtaining the Glowing Marking Trait

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Glowing Marking Trait if either parent has the trait.

Gives offspring a 10% Chance of obtaining the Fullbody Colour Changing Trait

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Fullbody Colour Changing Trait if either parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Sub Zero Buff:
50% chance of a random crafted engineering item as an extra roll in any guild quest

Gives offspring a 10% Chance of obtaining the Yeti Subtype.

+10 chance of offspring obtaining the Yeti Subtype if either parent has the trait. 

All offspring have a 20% chance of becoming a Hybrid.

"Even when most would succumb to the freezing temperatures, those with the Sub Zero power are able to keep their body temperature up at a stable rate to enable them to go through the freezing cold."

Possible Rewards:
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Backgrounds are covered in a thick snowstorm which surrounds the character.
  • Having them bury something in a large snow pile.
  • Encasing something in a huge block of ice.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them dropping the temperature of the building they are in because they aren't feeling too happy. 
  • Writing about how they are able to walk on water as their feet turn the water into thick ice, perfect for running on.
  • Being able to make a house out of ice in the middle of the desert, if they wished to. 
307 results found.