
Alternate Form

Alternate Form (Legendary)

Those with this trait can have one extra form which is either a Kiamara form or a Dromedairy form, regardless of what the individual truly is.
Characters can only have up to 3 Alternate Forms present, with each being obtained by Form Breaking a Legendary Stone in Benji's Shrine. 
These forms can have as many or as few traits as the user would like, including mythical traits, but must still be recognisable as the original design and recognisable as either a Kiamara/Dromedairy.
Regardless of how many alternate forms a character has, only one can possibly be passed on to offspring in breeding.

How To Obtain:
Spoiler text.
How To Use in a quest:
Spoiler text.

Multi-Limbed (Mythic)

Those with this trait have more than 4 limbs. These limbs can be placed anywhere on their body.
Does not include the head or tail.

Species Hybrid

Species Hybrid (Mythic)

Characters with this trait are a hybrid of one or more other Closed Species. 
These characters are bound by the other Closed Species Trade rules if these hybrids are from outside of

Pumpkin DNA

Pumpkin DNA (Mythic)

Those with this trait are entirely made of Pumpkin DNA.
These characters are unable to breed. 

Tentacle Growth

Tentacle Growth (Mythic)

Those with this trait have tentacles growing out of their body. 
This trait is simply aesthetic unless used in conjunction with the Multi-Limb trait. 
Dromedairies must not have this as part of their subtype for it to be considered Mythical

Wyvern Wings

Wyvern Wings (Mythic)

Those with this trait have Wyvern wings. 
These wins are connected to their forearms and can be any size. 
Dromedairies must not have this as part of their subtype for it to be considered Mythical


Cerberus (Mythic)

Those with this trait have 3 heads.
These heads all hold their own personalities. 

Dripping Blood

Dripping Blood (Mythic)

Those with this trait have blood dripping from parts of their body.
This doesn't hurt them, though it can get messy. 

Body Gills

Body Gills (Mythic)

Body gills can be placed absolutely anywhere on the body... somehow.

Ankle Wings

Ankle Wings (Very Rare)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have small wings on their ankles.
These wings can be based on real-world wings such as birds, bats, or insects and do not have to be symmetrical. 
These wings must fit within the Small Wing box on the guides provided on the Kiamara Official Line Sets.
If being based on insects, this applies to the shape only. (For example; you cannot have two wings on one ankle because a dragonfly has them, but you can have them shaped like a dragonfly's) 
One wing per ankle only. 

Ice Blood

Ice Blood (Mythic)

Blood that turns to ice as soon as it breaks through the skin. 

Galactic Wings

Galactic Wings (Legendary)

Species: Kiamara

Kiamaras with this trait have wings made of nebula's and contain galaxies.
This trait can only be used if a Kiamara already has either the Small or Large Wings trait. 
These wings cannot have sparkle or particles unless used in conjunction with a Sparkle trait. 


Hybrid (Very Rare)

Species: Dromedairy

Dromedairies with this trait have mixed genes between types, for example, a mix of both a Grassland and a Highland Droma's genes. 
Hybrids usually are a unique mix between both the parent's colours, though some may also have both biome aspects present.
For example, a hybrid between a Sand and a Swamp biome Droma could leave the offspring with the short fur of a Sand Biome Droma and the long hair of the Swamp Biome Droma. If a Dromedairy obtains the Hybrid gene, and also a colour gene, the colour gene overrides the hybrid colour pallette. 


Stag (Seasonal)

This trait can be obtained during Winterveil between the 1st and 31st of December, though the way of obtaining this trait may vary yearly. 
During Winterveil between the 1st and 31st of December, Kiamaras and Dromedairy that have this trait have a 100% pass rate of this trait to offspring.
All other times of year this trait will pass down at the same rate as 'Rare' traits. 
All characters can only have x1 Seasonal trait active at a time and if you wish to apply another, you must remove the original. 
Cannot be used on Alternate Forms and cannot be added by using Trait Stones.

When on a Kiamara:
Kiamaras that have this trait must have the following edits: 

Hair that is rare in length. It can be longer if the Kia has a longer hair rarity without removing the length rarity. 

A lion's mane around the neck only. 

Antlers that are rare in length. They can be larger if the Kia has longer horns without removing the size rarity.

A bob tail.

Hooves on all four paws that are flasks. Each contains sand or liquid that can glow and sparkle.


(Click for larger view)

If your Kiamara has any of the traits listed above, this will overwrite them and remove the individual traits from the Kiamara.

When used on a Dromedairy:
Grants any Dromedairy of any subtype to receive the following edits to their base subtype: 

Fur in place of hair. This fur must be, at minimum, just below the chin. You may have this longer if you wish to. 

Additional thick fur around the neck, resembling a lion's mane.

Antlers that can be any size, though must resemble antlers. 

A bob tail.

All four hooves are flasks. Each contains sand or liquid that can glow and sparkle.


(Click for larger view)

This does not affect their colouration genes and all other traits present in the Dromedairy's Subtype must still be viewable. 


Hooded (Seasonal)

This trait can be obtained between April 1st and September 1st.
During this time, Kiamaras and Dromedairy that have this trait have a 100% pass rate of this trait to offspring.
All other times of year this trait will pass down at the same rate as 'Rare' traits. 
All characters can only have x1 Seasonal trait active at a time and if you wish to apply another, you must remove the original. 
Cannot be used on Alternate Forms and cannot be added by using Trait Stones.

When on a Kiamara:
Kiamaras that have this trait must have the following edits: 

Rare-length fur around the chest, underbelly, and fetlocks on the front paws. Fur can be present elsewhere if the Kiamara has the Long Fur trait.

A layer of loose, wrinkly skin around the neck that can be pulled over the head like a hood. This part of the Kiamara cannot have additional fur length added to it even if the Kiamara has the Long Fur trait.

White pupils in the shape shown in the example below. Eye colour can be any colour you wish. 


(Click for larger view)

If your Kiamara has any of the traits listed above, this will overwrite them and remove the individual traits from the Kiamara except for the Long Fur trait, due to it being able to be used elsewhere on the Kiamara.

When used on a Dromedairy:
Grants any Dromedairy of any subtype to receive the following edits to their base subtype: 

Longer fur around the chest, underbelly, and fetlocks on the front legs. 

A layer of loose, wrinkly skin around the neck that can be pulled over the head like a hood.

White pupils in the shape shown in the example below. Eye colour can be any colour present on any dominant genes your Droma has. 


(Click for larger view)

This does not affect their colouration genes and all other traits present in the Dromedairy's Subtype must still be viewable. 


Floral (Seasonal)

This trait can be obtained between April 1st and September 1st.
During this time, Kiamaras and Dromedairy that have this trait have a 100% pass rate of this trait to offspring.
All other times of year this trait will pass down at the same rate as 'Rare' traits. 
All characters can only have x1 Seasonal trait active at a time and if you wish to apply another, you must remove the original. 
Cannot be used on Alternate Forms and cannot be added by using Trait Stones.

When on a Kiamara:
Kiamaras that have this trait must have the following edits: 

Slightly Longer Hair on their head mane. This hair cannot be longer than uncommon, even if the Kiamara has a higher rarity hair length trait. The tail tuft can be as long as their highest rarity hair length trait.

Slightly Larger Horns that have two petal-like prongs.

Slightly Larger Ears that must resemble the same ear shape as shown in the example below. 

Petals that grow on the fur of the shoulders, with some trailing off the Kiamara.


(Click for larger view)

If your Kiamara has any of the traits listed above, this will overwrite them and remove the individual traits from the Kiamara.

When used on a Dromedairy:
Grants any Dromedairy of any subtype to receive the following edits to their base subtype: 

Hair that tends to be nose length, even in Dromedairy that have longer hair by default due to their subtype.

Slightly longer horns that have two petal-like prongs.

Ears that resemble the same shape as shown in the example below.

Petals that grow on the fur of the shoulders, with some trailing off the Dromedairy.


(Click for larger view)

This does not affect their colouration genes and all other traits present in the Dromedairy's Subtype must still be viewable. 


Octo (Seasonal)

This trait can be obtained between April 1st and September 1st.
During this time, Kiamaras and Dromedairy that have this trait have a 100% pass rate of this trait to offspring.
All other times of year this trait will pass down at the same rate as 'Rare' traits. 
All characters can only have x1 Seasonal trait active at a time and if you wish to apply another, you must remove the original. 
Cannot be used on Alternate Forms and cannot be added by using Trait Stones.

When on a Kiamara:
Kiamaras that have this trait must have the following edits: 

Build Variant (Chubby)

Have pointed ears. 

Tentacles that sprout from the head. These can be up to Uncommon in length. These tentacles cannot be longer than Uncommon, even if the Kiamara has a higher rarity hair length.

Two gills on the side of their necks.


(Click for larger view)

If your Kiamara has any of the traits listed above, this will overwrite them and remove the individual traits from the Kiamara.

When used on a Dromedairy:
Grants any Dromedairy of any subtype to receive the following edits to their base subtype: 

Build Variant (Chubby)

Have slightly larger, pointed ears.

Tentacles that sprout from the head. These can only reach the lower jaw in length, even if the Droma's subtype allows for longer.

Two gills on the side of their necks.


(Click for larger view)

This does not affect their colouration genes and all other traits present in the Dromedairy's Subtype must still be viewable. 

Shadow Transformation

Shadow Transformation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power

Shadow Transformation Buff:
Gives a guaranteed amount of credits per quest entry, depending on the quest. 

"Individuals with this power are always known as elusive. Whether they can create wings out of the lack of light around them or cloak themselves - these beings can be rather sneaky..."

Possible Rewards:
Event Quests: 6
Jobs: 10
Guild Quests (Standard):  15
Guild Quests (Enhanced): 25
Non-Repeatable Quests:  45
How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing part of their body turning into a shadow.
  • Drawing shadow limbs or wings appearing from their body to make them look scarier.
  • Showing them able to warp their surroundings into black shadows to help them on their journey.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning that their shadow can morph into them, turning them into one themselves.
  • Talking about how other characters become afraid when they notice the character's shadow turning into something that can interact with their surroundings.
  • Perhaps a conversation with another character or pet explaining their shadow abilities and how they use them to help.

Transmutation (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Transmutation Buff:
Allows for your Kiamara to be drawn as another animal species (Non-Kia/Dromedairy) in quest prompts. Must be recognisable as the character.

Offspring have a 5% Chance of rolling an Alternate Form.

+5 chance of the Alternate Form trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait. In the case either parent has more than one alternate form, this buff only applies to one of the alt forms. 

5% chance any Kiamara that breeds with this Kiamara will gain the Transmutation power, mates are guaranteed to obtain the trait.

+5 chance of the Non-Tapered Tail trait being passed in breedings even if neither parent has the trait.

Dromedairy Transmutation Buff:
Allows for your Dromedairy to be drawn as another animal species (Non-Dromedairy/Kia) in quest prompts. Must be recognisable as the character.

Offspring have a 5% Chance of rolling an Alternate Form.

+5 chance of the Alternate Form trait being passed in breedings if either parent has the trait. In the case either parent has more than one alternate form, this buff only applies to one of the alt forms. 

5% chance any Dromedairy that breeds with this Dromedairy will gain the Transmutation power, mates are guaranteed to obtain the trait. Not applicable in Single-Parent breedings. 

+10% chance of becoming a hybrid.

"Whilst unable to turn into another Kiamara or Dromedairy form, these individuals are masters at turning into everyday objects or critters to sneak by the unsuspecting public."

How to add an animal form to your character:

Whilst characters with this ability are able to transform into any non-closed-species form, they must have the form you wish to draw uploaded to the site for you to be able to use them within quests. This is the same as how we require you to upload your humanoid versions of your Kiamaras or Dromas to the site before using them in quests. This is to help keep things consistent and ensure the same amount of effort to ensure your character is recognisable as the same Kiamara or Dromedairy it's attached to regardless of who is rolling your quest.

How to upload an animal form to your character:

  1. Click on the character who you used as the focus character in the successful quest from your characters. 
  2. Click on the Update Design tab on the left of the character's profile.
  3. Click Create Request and add the new image when prompted.
  4. Click on the 'Comments' section of the Update Design form and input what type of animal it is. 
  5. If all is okay with the information provided the reference will be accepted within 5 days of posting. 

Only after the new reference has been approved will you be able to use your character's new form in quests!


Illusionist (Legendary)

Category: Major Power
Kiamara Illusionist Buff:
70% chance of finding a Box of Illusion from any Guild or Event quest. 

10% chance of offspring obtaining a random Very Rare Trait that neither parent has. This is not classed as a mutation roll and does not count towards your mutation/mutato/mutato potion stack limit.

Dromedairy Illusionist Buff:
70% chance of finding a Box of Illusion from any Guild or Event quest. 

10% chance of offspring obtaining a random Very Rare Colouration Gene as either a dominant or recessive gene. If they already rolled a dominant Very Rare or lower gene, this will become recessive in favour of this new gene.

"Just like their Minor siblings, those with this Major ability tend to be able to pull off grand illusions. Even going so far as to affect another 'Maras perception." 

Possible Rewards:


How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Being able to light up an entire room with the illusion of light
  • The background is in a completely different place just because they like how it looks compared to the place they are at.
  • Showing them making random buildings appear in the background that shouldn't be there.

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them being able to talk to someone who is not from this realm, because they can imagine it.
  • Writing about how they can make their appearance change based on who they are talking to.
  • Showing how they can become an NPC just to get what they want. 
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