

Teleportation (Very Rare)

Category: Minor Power

Teleportation Buff:
When entering any guild prompt, they have a 40% chance to obtain a different guild quest's loot.
The same tables apply regardless of if they are used in a Standard or Enhanced prompt. 

"These individuals have a habit of summoning small objects or even transporting themselves for short distances. Vertigo tends to follow soon after."

Possible Rewards from Chefs' Guild Quests

Your character has the chance of obtaining either one or three items from the following tables:


Possible Rewards from Manahunters' Guild Quests

Your character has the chance of obtaining either one or three items from the following tables:


Possible Rewards from Engineers' Guild Quests

Your character has the chance of obtaining either one or three items from the following tables:

How to use in a quest:

How to use in a quest: 
Artwork Suggestions: 

  • Showing them exiting from a portal or rift.
  • The background shows two different locations with them walking through them.
  • Showing them pull an item from a small portal or rift from far away. 

Writing Suggestions: 

  • Mentioning them using a portal or rift to transport themselves to where they currently are.
  • Writing about how they feel when using teleportation. Maybe it makes them feel dizzy?
  • Showing how they are able to sneak around to steal or play pranks on someone.
1 result found.